@deep_333 I would not buy any of the items. I do not see the value in any of these items. I do think that the people spending $14K on a PC are few and far between and those that are they’re plugging it into a much better amplifier than the two you have pictured. Heck the Honda is overpriced too.
I see your point and I would never spend more than $400.00 on a power cord for my Bose Wave Radio.
Better amplifer... worse amplifier (facepalm)...I suspect you are still not getting it. I picked 3 items of much more complexity (engineering cost, fabs costs, etc whatever) that are priced less the 14k power wire + 2 plugs. I asked you what made that wire + plugs so sophisticated that it cost more than those other 3 items.
If my net worth was 500+ million and I decided to go with a million dollar rig one day, i still wouldn’t get a power wire + 2 plugs for 14k. It may still be 200 dollars off of aliexpress for me, i.e., that’s the price of a wire + 2 plugs for me. If i had 500 million dollars and decided to buy toilet power, it would still be 5 bucks. That’s the price of toilet paper for me. I wouldn’t pay a 1000 bucks for a roll of toilet paper ( BECAUSE I WAS RICH, WHY NOT?!?!). Does that make sense?
You see...the minute a guy gives that sales guy 14k for a piece of wire + 2 plugs or 1000 bucks for toilet paper, the sales guy is laughing at him.... he is laughing at the bonafide imbecile that bought the 14k power wire or 1000 dollar toilet paper from him.
"IF YOU ARE RICH, WHY NOT?".....mmhmm, I suppose the sales guy will need to find a fool for that line to work.