Why not try it and then tell the naysayers the results?
@stereo5 how about you try it? I was just curious as it seems logical if I were of that mindset. . |
@tkrtrb125 Your question makes no sense. Different cables might not make a difference sound wise, but they are necessary for separate components. Naysayers would say that once you recognize the need for cables they all sound alike. You're asking whether all-in-one solutions sound better than separates. Some argue that the all-in-one is superior because it eliminates many connections. |
@helomech Sorry I didn't see your post before I made mine. Maybe this will help the OP with the thinking. |
@helomech I did and makes perfect sense no cables, no interconnects, or speaker cables. Just a couple of power cords. Tell me I am wrong? It would be utopia for the Naysayers like yourself? @jasonbourne71 and maybe @abnerjack. Me I love my expensive cables.
@jji666 They sound fantastic, what inspired me was all naysayers who get chirpy on all these cable threads. So with that logic your cables must sound really bad that you responded. So I will just tune you blokes out now.
You could probably get good results by minimizing unnecessary cabling and shortening signal paths a lot. Get a competent streamer+ddc+dac+linestage combo unit from a manufacturer who knows what he is doing. Run it to some proficiently designed powered speakers (Elac Navis, Meyer, Meridian, whatever). All you would need is a pair of interconnects and a power cable, I suppose. A power cable only needs to have good shielding so it doesn’t turn into an antenna/let any noise leech back in after your power got conditioned by a power conditioner. A power cable does not need to cost 10k, it can be 100 bucks off aliexpress. Excessive separates bibilly boobilly (i,e., 15 different boxes and cables strung all around to play a damn song) can/will often fail in execution. Good luck. |
Honestly, I feel quite certain that many if not all of the cables “denialists” here can easily hear the difference between divergent cable designs especially comparing high purity copper to high quality silver ( especially if from the same company) n their systems if they would honestly give the comparison a try. Otherwise you”re just trolling! |
I acknowledge cables can sound different, with some better than others, subjective to system synergy. But after 35 + years in the hobby and spending thousands in cables, I've acquired enough first hand experience to know I no longer have to spend a lot of money on cables to get good sound. Simply said, expensive cables don't necessarily translate to better sound. |
My minimalist mantra is less or no wire between components is best. Wires are not rocket science. Keep it simple! Yes they can sound different but if the rest is done right then who cares? Not me. Most any good quality wire will do. I don’t want fancy wires coloring my sound. Could be due to my upbringing in Amish Country. Go wireless! Amazon is your wire friend. |
Faulty premise. Unless I’m not understanding you, you’re suggesting that cable “deniers” would prefer no cables at all so they don’t need to buy any? Cable deniers simply don’t believe super expensive cables are audibly better than well made but far cheaper ones. It has nothing to do with not wanting cables. Cables are necessary. $150k ones are not. We believe you buy cables to connect equipment. Not because there’s something magical about investing insane amounts of money in them. You literally said the quiet part out loud. You love buying expensive cables. Which is fine. Long as you admit that’s the draw. It’s almost like an addiction, and like most addictions, it requires a good amount of denial, self deception and justification. |
@uncledemp ....shrimp 'n grits popular on my plate.... ;) 👍 |
@tkrtrb125 Clearly, the "Cables Don't Make a Difference Crowd" has gotten under your skin. Do your fuses make a difference? |
@yowser they did not get under my skin. No I do not use fuses. |
@lanx0003 what is expensive for one is just pocket change for others. I am not in either camp and would never own a steampunk amp. |
Clearly it's under your skin or you wouldn't have chosen to start an entire thread that is basically trolling. What you just did was try to start a fight with literally no functional need for your posts. I think I saw you on the highway tailgating 2 feet from the car in front of you yesterday, weaving in and out without signaling. Your post is basically road rage in another form. |
Cables do sound different...a little. But for HiFi stores' profit margin...a lot! This is the legacy of the Head Monster, super salesman Noel Lee. IME, compared to room acoustics and proper speaker placement, they matter little. High value brands like WBC or BJC are good enough for all but the real esoteric "everything matters" crowd, with pocket depth to match. Look inside classics like a Marantz or ARC tube component...no teflon insulated linear crystal unobtanium wire, oversized capacitors, etc. Best sounding classical records ever made? Living Stereo. Decca. Living Presence...alll made without exotic mic cables or parts. |
That's an excellent suggestion, to bad the millions of others who thought of it didn't do it? Perhaps it was because something still had to be plugged in which would require a special very expensive power cord to connect to standard inferior house wiring? Also the manufacturers of all equipment use the required quality wire for their product, I can buy a $2000 6 foot cable to go from the amp to the speaker and then it into an extremely poor quality wire according to the cable gods for the last 4 feet of wire inside the speaker, does not make any sense at all? |
@jji666 It bothers you please do not hurt me. |
As long as our ears remain "analog" there will be the need for amplifiers to "motivate" speakers via cabling -- even it's internal. Quality matters -- even SHORT distances. If I'm following your logic here, my best response is that products with everything "on board" are still very limited in selection and may not offer all that a listener is looking for in the year 2024. 2034? Maybe. |
Rich dudes are not stupid and tend to understand a thing or two about economics better than the avg hifi nerd. Try selling Warren Buffett wire for 10k (because because...got to keep the lights on, R&D, yada yada, boo hoo, same old hifi cable sales guy sob story). Tell him "you are rich, so, why not buy it?" He might just gently waltz you out of his house. Always try not to insult some rich dude’s intelligence with such statements. "You are rich, so why not?"....that’s gotta be about as insulting as it gets.
If I'm happy, why shouldn't you be? And vice versa. I have done a lot of AB comparisons with a group and we were all convinced that better (yes pricier) cables made a positive difference in the two dealer systems we listened to. No, not blind testing, but repeated comparisons over a period of time (weeks apart) with the same results. Were we fooling ourselves? Maybe, but so what? We are in this hobby to fool ourselves, no? To convince ourselves that we are there in the room with them or they are here in the room with us. They are not. For me (maybe not for you) cables help my system(s) achieve a degree of pleasing verisimilitude. I agree that prices for some top of the line cables are fabulous and I seek out modestly priced wire that gives me bang for the buck. Same goes for power conditioning and power cables, another topic that inspires debate, but not for me. I am convinced of sonic improvements because of the results I have heard at my dealer and in my home. Happy listening to all of you, no matter how those ineffable vibrations make it to your eardrums.
@curiousjim You are 100% correct. |
@norcalal You are correct great post. |
@roadcykler I am happy your system sounds good,👍 |