Quicksilver v4 monos vs CODA Continuum No. 8 Version 1.

What would you prefer for perfectly matching pair of speakers 170 WPC of tubed monoblocks or 300 WPC of Solid State stereo amp with first 18 Watts in Class A ?


Why would you ask a stranger such a specific question if it wasn't related to what you wanted for yourself?

The Quicksilver tube amps would be my choice! I own Quicksilver gear so I am biased!

BTW, A true class A amp does not switch to class A/B! If you want a true class A amp you should be a lookin’ at First Watt or Pass amps!

I am “biased” towards the #8 because I have one. Amazing sound. Maintenance and heat-wise it is also the winner. However it would come down to your preference and synergy with the speakers. 

Preference would depend on exactly what/type of "perfectly" matching speakers I’m using, room space & size to locate one or two amps, how often/long I play music for, and leaving amps powered on for how long? Also the type of music I listen to most of the time. Pick one and always wonder about the other anyhow.

The #8 will be faster and more dynamic, and the V4s can be a little smoother and more relaxed with the right tubes. So, what I would "prefer" is owning both for different reasons and use cases. Similar situation here with different 100w QS tube amps, and setting up for a 50w Class A solid state amp on rotation. After decades of messing around, you’ll find some folks here buy both and resale the one that does not fit their taste and situation as much as they had hoped. Some of this directly relates to their speakers being used. Some amp/speaker combos match better than others and why you see members here trying both, eventually. Best of luck on your preference.