Sounds like , and I can't be sure without hearing it, a bad capacitor, or at least a short in the capacitor, I am not familiar enough with the table. If there is another table available to you, and it would not have to be much of one, I would hook it up and see if I still have the problem, if I had another pre amp close by I would insert it into the system and see if I still had the problem. Not always easy I know,but at leat you could narrow it down as to which it is. but If your close to Nashville your welcome to borrow one of mine. I kinda in a way doubt it has anything to do with the actual revolution of the platter as it is not a dd table, just appears that way. Double check yout ground, also run tt direct into the pre amp without the phono stage, wont be much gain, but should be able to hear enough to detect popping. Also check cartridge and check your grounding, bad ground could do that. Probably telling you all you have tried already, but maybe you have missed something in your frustration as I do sometimes.