report the seller to ebay. I've done this in the past. ebay has a policy that says sellers are forbidden from charging excessive shipping charges (they do this because it cheats them out of final value fees if sellers put a low sell price and high shipping to make their profit). I'd be surprised if it helps you get a better deal on the shipping, but it may help you feel better by ranting to another person.
You could also send a polite email to the buyer, indicating you want the CD, but think the shipping costs are too high. Ask him to ship it by (some easy method) for an amount you think would be agreeable. Indicate that you'd buy under this condition. He may either ignore you or tell you to pound salt, but at least you could be a thorn in his side in the process. I have had buyers contact me to "negotiate" terms for buy it now sale - I think it's entirely fair game and would rather they give me a chance to say know then walk away.
By the way, I've never paid that kind of shipping for something like a cd, and would probably just walk away. Just the way he's worded his terms indicates he's not interested in customer service, nor satisfaction.
You could also send a polite email to the buyer, indicating you want the CD, but think the shipping costs are too high. Ask him to ship it by (some easy method) for an amount you think would be agreeable. Indicate that you'd buy under this condition. He may either ignore you or tell you to pound salt, but at least you could be a thorn in his side in the process. I have had buyers contact me to "negotiate" terms for buy it now sale - I think it's entirely fair game and would rather they give me a chance to say know then walk away.
By the way, I've never paid that kind of shipping for something like a cd, and would probably just walk away. Just the way he's worded his terms indicates he's not interested in customer service, nor satisfaction.