Really satisfied???

I was wondering how many audiophiles are really satisfied with their systems to a point where they feel like there is no need to upgrade anymore. I say to myself sometimes there is no way anything else i can buy or replace can make my system sound any better. But then the next day i am looking and reading about what cd player or separates may sound better than my Krell KPS 20i.  My system consists of Krell FPB 600 , Mark Levinson 38s, Krell KPS 20i , Krell B&W Bass Alignment filters BAFs Balanced (2) , B&W Matrix 800s , Straightwire Crescendo speaker cable and interconnects. Am i really satisfied?? Hmmmmmm 
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You have a system I could only dream of having.  Several things I have learned.
1. Some people are never satisied. They want a different system because they have much money and this is a hobby. Why not?  It may be they just want a change in sound.  
2. Some people will be critial of any system no matter the cost and never be satisfied.
3. For listening pleasure everyone has an opinion.  It does not make their ears any better than yours. It all boils down to what you like and that is all that matters.  
   I am sure there is always something better somewhere?  Again, are you happy with your system?  Try room acoustics  before changing it out.
After almost 40 yrs of involvement in this hobby the most important thing ( for me) is the spectrum roughly between 200-400 hz.  If a system (regardless of quality) is washed out in this area I cannot get "into" it and it loses it's natural potential. Jim Smith of "Better Sound" and many others have mentioned this. 
Count me in the really satisfied camp.  Still like to dabble and hear new things.   You never know...