I’ve lived in California for 82 of my 83 years, so I think I have a handle on the problem.
Here is why California is billions of dollars upside down in its unfunded liabilities: The public employee unions donate huge sums of cash to the campaign coffers of Democrat candidates for the state legislature. Once elected, those same politicians do the bidding of the public employee unions. On the side, they try to run the state.
According to the California Policy Center, California’s total debt liability stands at 1.5 trillion dollars.
To gain a real insight into the problem, go to this site:
Here, you will find the salaries and perks for every government employee in the state including city, county, and state employees. If you want to gain insight into why sending your child to a university is so expensive, check out the salaries being paid through the University of California system.
Prepare to be shocked ... shocked, I tells ya.
Here is why California is billions of dollars upside down in its unfunded liabilities: The public employee unions donate huge sums of cash to the campaign coffers of Democrat candidates for the state legislature. Once elected, those same politicians do the bidding of the public employee unions. On the side, they try to run the state.
According to the California Policy Center, California’s total debt liability stands at 1.5 trillion dollars.
To gain a real insight into the problem, go to this site:
Here, you will find the salaries and perks for every government employee in the state including city, county, and state employees. If you want to gain insight into why sending your child to a university is so expensive, check out the salaries being paid through the University of California system.
Prepare to be shocked ... shocked, I tells ya.