
I presently use a an HK receiver 3470, without problems. I have been told using one of my vintage NAD 7175pe or 7240pe would provide "far better sound"... , I'm using Tetra120,s and Silverline 17's. Is this technically correct given specs, equipment etc. It has been suggested the NAD's are far superior to the newer HK... I'm a novice, here to learn. Your thoughts? Thanks.
You said you have two NAD receivers,I don't understand why you just don't swap the receivers and see which one you like better! Am I missing something about your question?
The NADs mentioned do have pre-out jacks, so they should have active preamps (they were designed so you could upgrade your amplifier to one of NAD's amplifiers, like the 2200 I used. I owned a 7240, and it was a very nice receiver. Much more dynamic than its 40 watt rating would lead you to believe; same with the 7175's 75 watts. Lynne's caution about the caps in the receiver is a good one as well. Ultimately, I'd suggest, as Yogiboy and others have, that you try it in your system. But give it a bit of time, at least a couple of days, to warm up and break back in.
Thanks to all. I guess, ultimately, my concern was whether or not the NAD would the power to drive my speakers since HK has a higher WPC. I also have a mint NAD 7240 pe I bought decades ago, pre children.

I'll have to take an afternoon hook up the various receivers and listen.
Good advise on the capacitors, I wouldn't have thought of that. My greatest concern had been power to "open up" my speakers.

Thanks. rh
I would sell all three, then many good options depending on budget. The older gear loses much as the caps dry out and other parts wear out.