Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me

I'm a bit confused as to whether "bookshelf speakers" are designed to be listened to from a distance, or if they are suitable on a computer desk where the distance to the ear is only ~2 feet. Or, if they are equally good in both situations (which seems to be tough).

I understand that nearfield speakers are optimized for small distances, but they are mostly active speakers, and I need a passive speaker.

Could someone recommend a passive nearfield speaker or bookshelf speaker that works well at small distances, for use on a computer desk?

My tube amp (LTA UL+) puts out 20 Wpc into 8 ohms.

I'm considering:

1. DeVore micr/O
2. BBC LS3/5A speakers such as the Harbeth P3SR
3. Focal Aria 1, maybe Sopra 1 if I stretch my budget. However the recommended amp power is 25W - 150W whereas my amp is 20W, so might not be ideal.
4. Omega Super Alnico High Output

Which (or others) might be best suited for my amp and 2-feet distance use-case? Also, the smaller the better...


I have a pair of Chartwell LS3/5As that were my neighbors. He used them just as you describe, on his desk at ~2 feet as computer monitors powered by a (IIRC) mid-line Pioneer receiver.

When he passed away, his kids cleaned out the house and gave them to me (mint condition) with an extra, NOS, matching woofer.

They sound very, very sweet, but I don’t listen to them because my room is very large (~5,000 cu ft) and I would hate to blow them out with too much power/volume.

And... here's another review of the Harbeth P3ESR XD that you'll find interesting - especially regarding the matching of amplifiers... (if you haven't seen it).   

In near-field listening - it's not about the volume produced by the amp, so much as how it drives and controls the speakers and the impedance matching, etc.

This guy's comments are very enlightening in that regard - which are from a studio sound engineer's perspective.


Yes... the Cabasse Rialto speakers are truly amazing in all respects.

I’ve resisted getting a pair because they are such a sophisticated, all-in one system, which I feared would be difficult to repair, if one of the several components within the system developed issues.

But - a one box solution with amazing sound quality for a very reasonable price. Very tempting!

...and then again, you could try something entirely different....just add sub. *G*

...learned of these earlier today, so the next question is....

"How ’near’ is nearfield for you?’ can even give ’em an ear or both for a moment or so....

As an omni-sort, 20x2+sub is Plenty for desktops....bedrooms, dining, bomb shelters....😏

Pity about the que, tho’....

@bassdude - indeed, and a nice thing is that in a different arrangement, I could mount them on stands and I've got a nice pair of active bookshelf speakers. In fact, I think more people use them for that than for near-field computer speakers, but the size and sound quality were right. The amps in those speakers are very heavy!