Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier

I'm at a point where I'd like to try a tube integrated amplifier.

I currently have a Luxman L-509x driving a pair of Audio Note AN-K/SPx SEs.

I use a Marantz SA-KI Ruby CD/SACD player and a Technics SL1200Mk2 and AT-33SA LOMC for sources.

I also use a Rythmik E15HP/PEQ3 subwoofer to fill in the bottom end.

I listen mostly to jazz, classic rock at low to mid-level volumes, and my budget would be around $4k-ish used or new.

So, I'd like to get some recommendations for an integrated that would pair well with the AN-Ks.  Subwoofer connection mandatory either pre-outs or compatible for speaker level connection.  Phono pre inputs for MC desired, but optional.

No hybrids, high power not needed. No headphones either.  A remote would be nice, but I could suffer without one.



Tomcat Audio.  The guy builds them himself, PTP.  They sound so great that I immediately sold all my nice PS Audio stuff.


@freediver I have not used integrated amps since my 1973 Yamaha CA 1000 which had 10 watts Class A switch (sounded great on chamber music).  If I were to get an integrated amp, I would probably prefer a Class A power type as I have been a life long tube user and currently switched to equivalent quality Westminster Labs REI Class A solid state monoblocks (50 years later).  I've heard very nice tube integrateds at shows.  My distributor/dealer sells the 8 different Trafomatic brand tube integrateds which I heard two models (SET & 100 watt push/pull) that sounded quite nice with modern tubes (not like Audio Note with really NOS non-manufactured tubes).  

I received the Audio Note OTO Line SE yesterday in good shape.  All the tubes are seated snugly in and an internal inspection shows everything is in good shape for a 1998 unit.  It's a legit AN unit.

I've cleaned up all the RCA, speaker, and power cable connectors with Deoxit.

I'm expecting some needed speaker cables hopefully today so I can have a listen later.




Got the OTO Line SE up and running.  I'm only using my Marantz SA-KI Ruby as a source as I'm still waiting on some interconnects to get my TT connected.

First impressions are that the OTO and my Luxman L-509x are more alike than different.  I'm not hearing a night/day difference in tonality, soundstaging, resolution. That speaks, to me, of the quality of both the OTO and the Luxman.

I was ready for 'dark' warm etc, but really the OTO is tonally balanced.  Yes, there is a teeny bit more body in the mid-range and the top end does sound a weensy bit softer, but overall I'd characterize the sonic presentation as relaxed and natural.

I've only started with some jazz at low/moderate levels - but it's a vg match to my AN-K/SPx SEs.