Recommendation for carpet spikes for Dynaudio Stand 20 speaker stands

I have the Dyn stands for my Buchardt speakers, but lost the supplied carpet spikes. Can anyone help me out with replacements for them?  I have posed the question to Dynaudio a couple of times but have gotten no response. Any alternative modestly-priced means of coupling these heavily-weighted stands, filled with lead/sand, would be appreciated.  I have Iso-Acoustics GAIA footers under my main speakers, Spatial Audio M5 Triode Master, but prefer a less expensive alternative for the Buchardt's. Thank you.     
I got the Nobspings and put them under my Sachs' tube amp a bit ago, in place of my foam core corregated rubber pads.  I am apt say that the bass seems a bit more emphatic and the sound somewhat more vivid.  Great tweak, I think, but I could not imagine put these under speakers, certainly not my Spatials on carpet.  

BTW, Dyn got back to me with a price of $64 for the replacement spikes.  Once I figure out the thread size on the stands, I will look elsewhere.  I actually realize that I have Stand 6's, nor the 20's. 
Thanks. I kicked the question to Dynaudio for their factory replacement spikes.  There is a rather limited depth of the screw holes in the stands and aftermarket spikes might be a PIA.  
As a last resort, you can find a bolt with a thread that fits, and then take it to Lowes/Home Depot.  They have a device (chart with trial threaded holes) that lets you determine thread size, by trial and error.  Being Dynaudio, it will likely be in metric.
Thanks for the recommendation but with the location of the speakers, where I walk by them 100X a day in my LV, these would be far too unstable as they sit on thick carpet.  Ergonomically, I need low spikes.  I will try them for other components so the recommendation is much appreciated. 

Can anyone tell me what the thread size on the openings in the bottom of my Stand 20's are?  I can figure it out from there.   Thanks. 
A blessing in disguise. Upgrade to Nobsound springs for only $20/set of 4. Try them first under your M5, discover they are about as good as Gaia for a fraction of the cost. Amazon has them for about $30 but they are on Ali Express for only $20. They are adjustable, you will only need 3 or 4 springs not 7, and can build new sets for your other components from the 3 or 4 leftover springs. Bargain tweak of the century.