Recommendations and thoughts for end game speakers and amps

Good morning all. I am looking at Rockport Avior ii speakers. My dealer likes Boulder amps with these but I wanted to get everyone’s opinion first. I will be getting an integrated with HT bypass. Right now I’m looking at the Boulder 866, Gryphon Diablo 300, and the Simaudio 700iv2. Has anyone listened to these speakers with these amps? I’m looking for highly detailed but not harsh highs and mids and outstanding bass as well. Basically a set up that performs fantastic from top to bottom. If you have any other speaker or amp suggestions please let me know. Thank you! 
@co93 plus 1,000!

It never ceases to amaze me how many suggestions are offered when the person suggesting has not heard: the amp nor the speakers nor the amp/speakers with their recommendation for cables. Someone suggests cable A and they have no clue how it will interact with the amp. They suggest its the best speaker cable for speaker B when its the amp/speaker cable interaction that matters most.

Then....then there is the occasional dealer who chimes in after the OP has clearly stated that they ordered a Boulder 866 and Rockport speakers and offer up something like this: "I took a Whatchmacallit version 23 over to a customer's home the other day and he and his wife both loved it more than anything they've ever heard and they have a 7 year old cat". Oh the OP, stay your course, you heard what you heard and cables for the Boulder-Rockport combo won't be difficult or terribly expensive to sort. Also, the power supply in the 866 is so well designed and robust, you don't go crazy with a power cord...almost any wwell designed and decent cord will get the job done.
Try my setup, which at the moment I feel (who knows how I will feel in a year, assuming I still have a pulse) is 98% there:

You can use the $30K you save to buy the wife a little Mazda Miata sports car. Then she will speed off to her favorite high fashion clothing store, and leave you alone with your hobby.

AND … you will still have about $5K left over to waste on overpriced cable. Doesn’t get sweeter than that, imho.
OP, @ ghasley expressed his displeasure at members recommending something they have never tried, and I fully agree. I also do not think you will get an unbiased opinion from retailers.

What I am recommending, without hearing, is the speaker cable from Silversmith. He looks at the whole process differently/correctly. I include a link to an interesting review and hope you find it valuable. At their price I am very tempted to try.