Recommendations for CD Player/DAC Combo

I was slightly surprised that there isn't a very large selection of CD player/DAC combos out there.  Yamaha, Marantz, Musical Fidelity, and a few others make them, but not many other companies.  It seems like building a cd player into a DAC makes a lot of sense, like an integrated amp.  Can anyone recommend one these?  My budget would $3000 tops.  Thanks, J
"while this system is excellent nothing can really equal vinyl on a really good system. "

I agree 100%  My Technics SL1200G TT sounds better at half the price of my Esoteric UX-3 SACD player.  The TT just sounds right.
The the old vinyl is better than digital refrain.  Ugh.  When I listen to digital the music leaps out my speakers.  When I listen to an lp if sounds as if it is embedded in petroleum.

"I pulled mine 66 inches out into the room and they are part of an (almost) equilateral triangle with my listening chair at the apex of the triangle (where else)."
The practical problem is that many people cannot pull speakers that much into the room. They do what they can, often not ideal. You are just lucky in that sense.
My highest recommendation would be to get a Audio Alchemy Dac/Pre (both sides are amazing) + a transport. I would order the NuPrime transport from audio Advisor (returnable, but I doubt you would)
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