Recommendations for modern integrated with tone & balance controls other than Mcintosh

The "purist" approach is no longer viable for me due to recent hearing loss, and I'd also like to simplify my tube separates which consist of preamp, power supply, and pair of mono amps.
 Budget up to 10K. But, of course,  I also could just go with a Schiit Loki for $149 bux and keep feeding my tube gear. :) Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

i would second anton99's thought about a schiit loki

simple, quite inexpensive, 4 bands so more sonic adjustability than a standard set of tone controls

absolutely minimal sonic penalty placing it in line...
Very good point!
@jjss49 Noted and I've already contacted Schiit. I was told that the Loki is on B/O but will be available before March.  It should work great with my tube mono preamp. Not so useful with my Wells Integrated which does not have a balance control. 

arafiq501 posts02-18-2021 10:31am@builder3
Then you should be using the ’quietness’ control, silly wabbit.

I hear ya, but that's what Luxman calls it. I'll remember to ask them in person next time I visit Japan. Will let you know asap :)
My Pioneer SX-750 dates to about 1978, and it has a Loudness switch, I don't have any idea how far back that goes, to be honest.