Recommentation for small floorstander

I like the Gershman Avant Garde and need something similar (non-box, non- monitor speaker) in order to place in a family room. I run an all MAC system, current products, plenty of power.....any recommentations for a solid high-end speaker that fits that profile? Prefer full-range to avoid having to locate a sub in the room. Thanks
You might look at/try the RAW Acoustics HT3 or HT8 depending upon your budget. Use of ribbon tweeters help reduce the boxiness of these and other speakers.
maybe i missed it, but if you like the gershman's why not buy them? i had a pair which i recently sold and they are one of the best speakers under $5k that i've ever heard. their bass is tight and authoritative with the right solid state gear. it get's kinda loose and flabby with tubes though.
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