Record Cleaning Machines

My LP collection is growing. As I invest more and more, I realize the need for a proper record cleaner. Once again I ask the council for suggestions. My budget is flexible, but let’s say $1000 max. 
Thanks 🙏 
@andrewkelley if you want the very best cleaner for the very best sonics, get an UC (ultrasonic cleaner).  Since the automatic UC are $3-4k such as the Audiodesk, you'll have to get a manual one.

I highly recommend a Kirmuss Audio Ultrasonic cleaner which I intend to purchase in a month or so.  In July 2019 Stereophile Analog Corner, Michael Fremer begrudgingly (Fremer questioned many of the inventor's scientific claims) endorsed the results as being at least equal and sometimes better than his automatic UC.   There are cheaper more homemade type versions of UC out there, but the Kirmuss is a better finished product.  
$900 Elusive Disc - package deal
$900 Upscale Audio - 3LPs vs 2 at a time
I built my own Ultrasonic RCM, which I found on DIY Audio. It was designed and built by bbtx. Complete parts, instructions, photos etc. used to be on DIY Audio. I couldn't find it now, but maybe you'll have better luck. Only cost $200 to build. Hope you can find it.

Record doctor seems adequate for 299...I use a different fluid with it though along with a better brush etc...if u don't mind spinning record ur self, then it's quite good.
What you want/need depends on what records you buy and how much work you want to do in order to accomplish your goal of clean records.

My suggestion:

If you buy only new records you only need an US RCM

If you buy used records from random vendors you need a vacuum based RCM like VPI, or be willing to hand wash (spin clean)

If you like DIY and have room, an ebay/amazon put together US RCM is fine. If you want to drop the record in and have it cleaned and dried, it will cost more money for something more automatic.

I have a VPI vacuum RCM (for dirty records) and an Audio Deske US RCM for new records and used records cleaned by the VPI.