Record surface noise Right Channel?

It seems like a good amount of records that I purchase I can hear record surface noise in the right channel. It seems pretty consistently the right channel. Has anyone experienced this? It seems like it does not matter what I do with azimuth adjustments. Is what I am hearing pressing errors or record wear from poorly aligned turntables. It happens mostly with used records.
I think this might be your solution-
Anti-Skate adjustment:
Left distortion = DECREASE Anti-skate
Right distortion = INCREASE Anti-skate

Azimuth adjustment= minimize crosstalk
I had the same issue last month and it ended up being my Scoutmaster was not balanced correctly. I initially did as Srwooten suggests and checked the anti-skate. After confirming I was ok in that regard, I utilized a level adjusted the feet and was back in business.

It does not occur with every record, just some. I know my table is level, I could try the antiskate, I have not used it because I prefer the sound without the antiskate.
I see you have a Scout. If you have the anti skate device try it with no weight on it. What arm do you have?
I have the standard arm. I actually had my table professionally setup today. What a difference! He did say that my cartridge had quite a bit of tracking error(distortion) that he tested on a test record and analyzer. He actually showed me the tracking distortion. He said I definitely should get the antiskate device. I told him that VPI does not recommend the antiskate. He said that is total hogwash and he visually showed it to me today. He said I could apply more vertical weight to the cartidge but that it was just a bandaid until I address the problem. He also said that moving magnet cartridges actually track the record better simply by the nature of their design and are especially great for large orchestral crescendos. All I can say is that my turntable has never sounded better. I cannot believe it! He also said that when I get the anti skate, he can really improve the performance of my table. He said it is all about setup. Now I believe it. He has been doing it for 40 years and I can tell you he is damn good at it. Gosh, do I love vinyl! I learned a lot today!