Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change?

I could have posted this discussion to a few other categories but chose this one because discussions related to 2 of the 4 components in question belong here.

So it's been ~2.5 yrs since I purchased my current system. I did a lot of research at the time here on audiogon, but no auditioning, and put together a system that sounds very, very good to me.

While I have no complaints, the itch to upgrade has surfaced recently.

I am curious as to whether you guys think it will be possible for me to replace just 1 of my primary 4 components and obtain significantly better sound as a result. The more discernible and obvious the sound improvement, the better obviously. I am not looking for a marginal upgrade - I want dramatically better sound. And I am not looking to replace more than 1 component at this time. I am hoping to get a few ideas/candidates and then may decide to audition some of the recommendations before making a decision. Hopefully some of the upgrade paths are such no-brainers that I may even be able to take a leap of faith without auditioning. Note also that acoustic room treatments are not viable in my current listening location.
My current 4 part system:

1. Lumin D2 - 100% of my listening is streaming via Tidal
2. Mcintosh C2600 preamp
3. Mcintosh MC452 amp
4. Focal Kanta 2 speakers

Cables are Cardas Golden presence RCAs from the Lumin to C2600, Cardas Clear Cygnus XLRs from the C2600 to the MC452, and Kimber 8TC speaker cables to the Kantas.

Soundstaging, dynamics, imaging and overall clarity are all great. I have to say I love the Be tweeters. And the bass is punchy, tight, fast and certainly sufficient for my needs. Vocals and overall sound are warm, liquid smooth and analog-like, just the way I like it. (Forgive me if I've botched some of the characterizations - I'm no expert at this). The only thing I can think of that could use some improvement is the sound quality at lower volume levels, although that is not terribly important to me since most of my listening is in the 90+ Db range. Would be nice, though.

So while I do love the overall sound, surely dramatically better sound can be obtained via a 1 component swap? Budget is ~10k. Or will I need to spend more, or upgrade more than 1 component to achieve the desired result?

Thanks in advance for your time and thoughts.

Must be nice to have 10k to burn....I’d use it for an emergency fund in these amazing times...not blow it on a piece of overrated gear which incidentally most of this stuff is. There are way too many budget components available today that sound quite wonderful without spending ridiculous amounts of money on. JMO
Where do you have your Schumann generators placed? Do they need to be 5 ft off the floor as suggested?

The best way to use the Schumann Generators is connected in a grid....I connected them to my resonators grids and i use my "golden plate" on them....

Height varying: 4 to 6 feet....

I use 11 of them around my listening position.... 😁

But only one ionizer (a non ozone one and silent one) will did also a very great impact....

My last device is very powerful:

A"Helmholtz-Fibonacci silent organ": a room tuner...

3 sets of ordinary brick with in each one 3 tubular copper plumber pipes with lenght near the golden ratio...

And too many other things to be described....

I am nuts but my audiophile experience is almost free for all....

«Their  Achille’s heel is that they must sell you something»- Anonymus Smith

That’s a cool room! I’m working on something similar, and yeah it will also break a lot of acoustic room treatment rules.

Pretty much everything has been said, but I’ll add my 40 years of experience here:

(1) At the level of gear you have, a "remarkable" improvement is going to be hard to come by. Synergy between components is important, and that can’t be taken in a single step. It requires auditioning gear within your system from a dealer that trusts you’ll bring it back or pay for it. Andy at Saturday Audio Exchange has let me audition endless pieces of gear and it’s a lovely way to build the system. But anyway, my main point here is that improvement takes time and work and is thus usually incremental, not dramatic.

(2) You would benefit from acoustic modification to the room. But it doesn’t have to disrupt anything - you need to take it as a challenge and get creative. Get the Metallica logo printed on a giant set of drapes and then you can take down the loss then. Bass traps in team colors, etc. You want remarkable improvement, then you’re going to have to put in some remarkable effort. Good audio isn’t $$.

(3) You said you’re not looking for more bass, but I am a big fan of REL subs for this reason - they are not really tuned to make explosions in movies move your couch. They add "air" to the room and I often find the biggest impact of the good REL subs is on the vocals. Part of the REL goal is to pick up the frequencies that create hints around the physical space where the music was recorded, and it can sort of take you away.

(4) If you already love your system at high volume and it is low volume where you want improvement, this you might be able to force without finesse by adding a small integrated tube amp and near field speakers near your seating area. It might be hard to extend out the sweet spot from your main system.

(5) It doesn’t look like you’ve placed your seating area to be in the sweet spot, as above, or at least your room implies you may be listening from a number of different stations around the room. Not that I think gear is your issue, but dipolar or bipolar speakers tend to have a wider dispersion of listenable sound. Consider a pair for when you’re not sitting still in the sweet spot.

(6) Source can give dramatic upgrades too. I don’t know the Lumin gear but I do prefer the non-MQA Qobuz sound.

(7) One more idea just for fun: get yourself set up with a reasonable 5.1 system and start collecting 5.1 channel DVD-Audio, SACD, and Blu Ray disks. Now that is a remarkable improvement, and with just the built-in room correction on your AVR, it somewhat defeats the issues with your room.

Sorry for the tome, I guess not everything had been said.

Oh yeah, and good weed.
@cycles2 I also have simple < 75$ fiber optic converter in addition to ethergen. I have seen significant improvement in this “switch”. I don’t have lumin x1, but with my streamer, using fiber optic + etheregen was much better than fiber optic alone. It could be system dependent and there are no absolutes: I think it is worth trial, as they can be returned back in 1 month if you don’t see benefit. Also to OP, adding a good subwoofer (preferably 2), will be a huge improvement. Good luck.