Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan

Again, I want to thank the many many members who provided their thoughts and insights to my original post on this subject!!  The problem is (and its a good problem) you all provided a LOT of advice and recommendations; many diverse, some corroborating, and some conflicting options.  I did a lot of reading on several of the integrateds y’all suggested and PM’d a few of you to better understand your thoughts.  There are a lot of really smart people who support this Agon forum!!  I have a lot more knowledge now, thank you  

Which leads to the Plan:

1. Before spending up to $8,000 (my not yet wife approved budget) I need to confirm I can actually hear the sound qualities I’m missing in my current system.  Having a 68 year old hearing system with tinnitus, this is a real question for me.

2. I’ve booked a room at the Schaumburg Hyatt for the upcoming AXPONA; a 9hr drive from Huntsville AL. 

3. I’ve never attended an audio show, but its been on my bucket list for the past 5 years, so I’ll kill 2 birds with one stone (roadtrip)!

4. I realize that audio shows aren't the optimum listening environment, but if I can hear the sound qualities I’m missing there at the show; then game on identifying an integrated amp that will bring me closer in my system which will be Part 2 of the Plan 😀

5. I’ll start Part 2 there at the show listening to as many systems with integrateds in my price range (I’m fine with buying used and will factor that in to which amps I listen to).  Yes, the associated equipment in the chain and the environment will be different than mine, but it will be a great place to start!!

And that’s part of the fun of this hobby/obsession (at least for me); planning and starting the next journey!


The only integrated amp I would consider is the Line Magnetic.  It is 28wpc if I remember correctly BUT the transformers used are some of the best.  I think it retails for $4800.  Just plan awesome sounding and those transformers is all where the music comes from.


Happy Listening.

Thanks guys!

@audphile1, @lalitk ​​@zlone I agree, AXPONA won’t be the best critical listening venue, but it will be a fun check on my bucket list and will provide an opportunity to listen contrast and compare equipment and talk with vendors. 
Although I live in an extremely high tech and relatively affluent city (Huntsville AL), we only have 1 hifi dealership (who only carries Primaluna, McIntosh, and Naim amps).  Nashville is 2 hours away and Atlanta is 3.5 hrs away. I’ve travelled to hifi shops in both cities. I’ve not been impressed with what I’ve heard there. 
@rick_n the Gryphon 120 integrated would be closer to my $comfort range. 

@soix the Unison Research I150 looks very interesting, especially being a hybrid. Thank you, I’ll definitely add it to my list. 


Did you had a chance to visit @gestalt in Nashville. I recommend checking out his room at AXPONA. 

At 68 with tinnitus, depending on the level of that, the chances of actually hearing a difference is kind of minimal. You may believe you're hearing differences, but chances are, you won't be.