Revel Studio2, Thiel 3.7 or Wilson Sophia 2

Considering these 3 speakers to upgrade my current system. Room is 16 X 19 by 9.

Current gear:
- Anthem AVM30
- Anthem MCA50
- Denon 2910 (to be replaced shortly with the OPPO 83 SE)
- Revel F32/C32
- Velodyne HGS10

I listen to mostly Jazz (contemporary), some rock and classical.

System is used mostly for music (60-70%) with an occasional movie.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

I haven't heard the Sophia 2. Between the Thiel 3.7 and the Revel Studio2, it's the Studio2 hands down. Properly set up the Studios throw an incredible image, and the highs are much better than those of the 3.7. For some reason on these forums the Revel Ultimas are never highly recommended, but to my ears they sound more like the real thing than almost anything else I've heard. Your Anthem equipment should do just fine.
Step 1 done - bought the Oppo SE with Kimber Hero cables. The improvements have been significant. This player is as good as many have commented - fantastic.

Next up, speakers. Still considering Thiel 3.7's, Revel Studio 2's or Wilson Sophia 2's.
All are great speakers based on jazz music and your equipment-my suggestions are these
1) Thiel 2)Wilsons 3) Revel
Ritmo, try listening to this pairing: Thiel CS3.7 with Parasound Halo JC2 pre/JC2 power (800Wpc into 4 ohms). I heard them last week and was quite impressed by them. They definitely made a much greater impression on me than the Wilson Sasha + ARC Ref 3 pre/110 power setup which I also auditioned. Plus it's great value for the money.
Thanks James63. That is what I'm planning on doing. Next year I will upgrade the amp and, probably, the pre/pro as well.

This year I will focus on the speakers and the DVD/CD player.
Your power is enough, but there is more to it than power. You should buy speakers first IMO though. Buying good gear with so so speakers is a waist. At least with good speakers you will get the best out of each upgrade. Also most dealers will let you take electronics home but speakers are much harder to take home...
i really appreciate the feedback.

I visited an audio store in Dallas several weeks ago and had the opportunity to hear the Sophia 2's and a pair of my current speakers - the Revel F32's. The difference was very significant. That's what got me to seriously consider upgrading.

Clearly, I do need to upgrade the DVD/CD player. I have been hoping to also upgrade the speakers with a "revolutionary" upgrade. My thoughts are that I would eventually upgrade the Amp and, lastly, the Pre/Pro.

Is the Anthem amp at over 265W @ 4 ohms not enough to drive the Thiel 3.7s?

The challenge is to find several dealers in one city where I can go and listen to at least the Wilson's and the Thiel's. Don't want to remove the Studio2's from the list yet.
Long time former owner of Revel Salon1. I am changing from the Revel Salon1 to the Thiel 3.7. No technical explanation other than I liked the way it sounded way than the Revel. I have also heard the Studio2 and it did not move me like the Thiel 3.7. Never heard the Sophia line.

You need lots of power for both the Thiel and Revel.

I plan on building a HT system with Thiel 3.7 + 3 SCS4's + cheapo sub. I currently only have the SCS4s. These are supposed to have some trickle down parts from the 3.7 (tweeter???). After 3 months of ownership I am extremely pleased with the SCS4.
ritmo, the thrust of the above comments, which seem sound, is that you'll need to upgrade all your gear to do justice to upgraded speakers. my question would be: what are you presently lacking with your current speakers (i think the f32s are outstanding, btw) and what do you hope to attain by upgrading? it may be that you can get to where you want to go without a complete, big-$$ overhaul.
I would say personal preference, and gear synergy should be the deciding factor. However I've heard all 3 of these at length. The Sophias will be the most cooperative with the widest array of gear meaning even a somewhat low powered tube amp will sound pretty good. The other two require high powered amplification and are really designed for high power SS. I personally think the 3.7 is an excellent speaker and a good value. I find the Revels dry and the Sophias over rated.
You really just need to hear them for your self. Technically the 3.7s are better than the Sophias. I know Wilson lovers are yelling BS but some people just don't like the true when it dissagrees with them. BUT and it is a big but, just because something is better on paper (and the real world) does not mean you will like it better.

I have only demoed these speaks but have heard them a few times each in well set up dealers.

Anyway the 3.7 are more balaned tonally, have more even dispersion, have more detail in the midrage and highs, and less hash in the highs. I also think passive radiators help bring down the box noise and eliminates port noise...The down fall of them for many people is they claim they are dry sounding.

The Sophia has more bass in the 80z range which gives them more punch and wieght in the lower end. The midrange also has a little more heft to it as well compaired to the 3.7s. But some people (myself included) would call it coloration.

But really they are both great speakers and you really can't go wrong. Just use your own ears. But save enough money for a new pre and amp.

Sorry for the spelling I posted from my phone.
Oftem times the peroformance of speakers depends on the equipment they are associated with, especially amps. Make sure they use decent components to play these speakers. Also try these speakers with different components to see if they can easily integrate with them. These speakers are high quality and great performers. It all comes down to your taste.
Thanks for the initial comments.

I live in AR and don't have many high end dealers nearby. Therefore, i'm trying to narrow down the options so that I can plan a trip to a metro area to listen.

As for Dynaudio, I'm willing to consider. I have seen some reviews but never have listened to any of their models. Any particular models?
IMO..Never liked the Studio2s,way too sterile..Know nothing about the 3.7 as Thiel never appealed to me in the past so I never went out of my way to listen to them..The Sophia2 is a special speaker and this is coming from a guy who doesnt like the Wilson sound ie.W/P line.Also the prices are coming down on this site on the 2 ( rumour is a next generation in the near future)..Have you ever considered Dynaudio?? Worth a listen,great with jazz..I also agree that any of the speakers on your short list will need better gear
Any of these great speakers need great ancillaries,in order to get the speakers to "sound" up to their capabilities.
In other words you will have great speakers to build around. Don't expect to much from what you have now.
Shoot the messenger,if you must;and further; most dealers won't be as honest,if they think you might buy their speakers.---As in been there/done that.