Review: Aric Audio Super 6SN7 preamp

I thought I would take this opportunity to provide a review on my new Aric Audio Super 6SN7 preamp. I hope some of you may find this information useful. My previous preamp was a CJ CT-5 which I enjoyed for nearly 15 years. My system has gone through a lot of changes in the last year and I decided it was time to explore the options for a new preamp. If I’m going to be honest Aric Audio wasn’t on that list.

A friend who’s ears and opinions I respect suggested looking at Aric Audio. After doing my due diligence and reading reviews here and elsewhere I decided to reach out to Aric and see what options were available. First, let me say a few things about Aric. He was a pleasure to deal with, very responsive to emails and phone calls. Over the years I have dealt with many manufacturers and dealers and Aric is up there with the best. Back to our story, my plan for this preamp was to get as much of the performance of the Motherload II into a single chassis preamp. Aric suggested using the Power Supply from the MLII and the upgraded volume control as well.

The process from beginning to end took about 3 weeks. The preamp was well boxed and arrived with no issues. It has a quality feel to it with and looks like its built to last. The stock tube set up is ok but you will need to upgrade the rectifier and 6SN7 tubes if you want to hear what the Super can really do. I’m currently using a RCA rectifier and a set of CBS (5692’s).

After about a month of break in time the Super really began to show what it can do. Its a very engaging and balanced preamp. Compared to my previous CJ, the Super has more color, richness and life to the music. Vocals are smooth and organic with lots of air between instruments. One of the main staples in my music collection are sound-tracks. Dynamics and a large sound-stage are a must for me. As accomplished as the CJ was in this department , the Super improves on that even further. Bass is tight and tuneful without being over done. The sound-stage is expansive and is giving me the most holographic imaging I’ve heard in my system. The Super has given me a new appreciation for what a well designed preamp can do.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, I’ve done a lot of upgrades to my system over the last year. Without any hesitation, the Aric Audio Super 6SN7 is the addition that has given me the most enjoyment. Highly recommended.


Current System Setup:

Pass Labs XA 30.8, Modwright Marantz SA8005, SR PowerCell 12 UEF, Proac D-30R, and combination of SR Galileo UEF and WyWires cables.



Nice review and congrats on your new preamp! And stock up on NOS 6SN7's they're getting harder to find and more $$ by the day.

Very nice review.  I'm an Aric Audio owner. I'm very pleased with Aric's products. His Motherlode II is in my main system,and is my forever pre. Congratulations on your purchase. 

Congrats on your purchase. I am a owner of the Special pre and Transcend amplifier. Also have a Pass XA-25 to rotate in. 

Congrats! I have one of his amps and can't say enough good things about Aric and his products.Enjoy:-)