Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)

We started frequent testing of power cables at the beginnig of this century, since 2002 to be precise. AC-power is actually the foundation of any audio system. It feeds and provides every sound system with the necessary energy. Fifteen years ago we were already surprised how much impact different power cables could have on the end result of any system.

In nearly 20 years AudioFacts carried out thousands of tests especially in audio. We distinguish ourselves from others by structurally spending much time at research and test work, in which we think and work by our Tru-Fi philosophy.

When you're working from Tru-Fi in audio you always focus on all the different properties that sound possesses. You can understand audio only when you exactly know why the sound and stage of your audio system is as what you're listening to.

Therefore you should know of each individual component in your system the full DNA (properties) it owns. Because the sound you hear from your own system is formed by all properties of each individual component together, the acoustics and other factors that affect the sound negatively.

Most people still have no idea of how important power cables actually are. In 2004 we already had created a method to convince customers that they are essential in each system. That is why we figured out shootouts so we could prove how important power cables actually are.

We did a shootout between a cd player of 2000 euro and a power cord of 2400 euro. Against a 5000 euro cd player along with our most sold power cable of 100 euro.

Almost everyone had a preference for the cd player of 2000 euro combined with the power cable of 2400 euro. While everyone was convinced that the most expensive cd player would become the winner.

Working from Tru-Fi it becomes so much easier for us to hear and understand the differences between brands and power cables exactly. In over 15 years we've tested many power cables. And the differences between all these power cables of different brands are huge.

Tru-Fi shows us that Audioquest power cables are able to reveal all the different properties sound possesses. But in addition, the most important properties also reveal a natural sound and realistic proportions of voices and instruments.

All our tests in cables over the years showed that unfortunately there are several brands which cannot reveal all the different properties of sound. And in addition, certain properties are not filled in the right way. We found out that various cable brands present both voices and instruments out of proportion (often too big).

In reality both voices and instruments are very direct (tangible) and small in proportion. We call that 'intimate' individual focus. In addition, various cables emphasize a certain frequency range, but you want the full frequency range to be evenly played.

The Hurricane is a power cable by Audioquest from the all-new 'Storm Series'. And it cannot even be compared to the previous power cables from Audioquest. Because it is a new level in quality that stands on its own in its price range.

A number of years ago, Audioquest hired AC-power specialist Garth Powell. From his knowledge and insight he has developed new AC-power products for Audioquest. And the Storm Series are the first new power cables he developed.

AudioFacts knows from all our research and test work how important AC-power is and that this is a profession on its own. We continuously share information with various specialists in specific parts in sound&vision. That is why it is nice to see that even Audioquest now specializes in this part.

The Hurricane also features a new DBS battery pack. That has become even more effective now that the bandwidth is increased. In addition, the level in noise is also decreased. Because the cable is twisted now it decreases the level of interference also.

Audioquest uses the best quality in solid copper (PSC+) for the Hurricane, which they apply in all their best copper cables. This can be heared by a richer sound with even more diversity (layering). And there is more grip and control in the high frequencies. And it also creates a more powerful low frequency range.

In part 2 we will explain in details why the Hurricane is so different compared to the older Audioquest powercables. But also compared to other competitors.

It is obvious that people react strange on something they don’t know. That is why it needs to be shown. Tru-Fi will bring both sound&vision to a for many new level in quality.

You all do audio by trial and error based on the fact that it is told you to do so. The people in audio do it as will, so this proves that they all think and even believe that this is the best way to do audio.

I can tell you and I will prove that it is not. You have no access to all the different properties of each individual part in your system. For that it is too ineffective.

There are different people who react irritated all the time overhere. Please stop with that, we will help everyone. Just give us some time. It will be shared.

People think that I want to provoke, but that is not the case. I want to take you out of your comfortzone so people will start to look further..........

This is needed to grow to a much higher endresult than your system can create now. We are all different but we are all humans. So react like that.

That even counts for me, so I want to apologize to the people who felt offended. Perfectionists can only think in one way; and that is the best result possible. There is no room for error. Second best will never be an option.

I was born like this and even as a child I was the same. And yess I am a lot different, I will never say better. Because in my world all people are equal and even important. The difference is that I can see and hear so much further into details.

Today I phoned with the head of Audioquest Europe about the Dragon. I told him that I can reveal details/micro information I never heard on any system regarding price since I use the Dragon on my subwoofer.

We improve both sound&vision over and over again. This proces never stops. This is inside my system and the drive to create an even higher level is there all the time. Yesterday evening we did a new calibration with my Oled and brought it to an even higher level. This also goes far beyond your imagination.

Our S.A.P.-measurement can reveal details of sound what cannot be reached by normal audio without this measurement. It is missing. It is not even there. And that is why we can get a superior level out of a Dragon.

We compared different highend stereo preamps (of even over 15000 dollars) and they were inferior on all parts. This proves how much you loose with ’standard’ audio.

’Highend’ products will not solve this. Even when the parts inside are better, it is still very limited. Trial and error gives you a very limited insight of details and data. That is why you still cannot guide and control your sound and stage precisely.

Beside this, you need to understand what smog, magnetism and high frequent noise does to your system. We eliminate all these different parts to a minimum. This is what research does, it gives you access to understand why these parts limit your sound and also vision.

Tru-Fi can easily make you understand what goes wrong and how you can solve this. In fact it is the opposite of trial and error. I started to create this on the 3rd of july 1998. I made the choice that day to understand why each product in audio is so different than another one.

This is the mindset I talked about many times overhere. It is a different way of thinking. But it opens doors which will be closed with trial and error until the end.

Life is not about what you take and own, but what you can give to others......

Wow ......wasn't this the same guy who high-jacked everybody's power cables threads here on Audiogon to shout from the top of the mountain that Purist Audio makes the best power cables on the planet. I will agree that Jim Aud makes some very good right at the top cables , and who also is selling them at prices where you just have to shake your head and say ; C'mon Jim really ? One of the most down to earth guys in this hobby but is now pricing his cables out of most everybody's reach these days. How much could have possibly changed ? ........but wait Bo now seems to know the answer. I have made my owns logical decisions with this hobby and after nearly 40 years of collecting's your ears, your system, your room and the music you listen to. ( and your own money ) but I do take offense when someone either from the front door or from the back door is telling us they are stupid for what we know and or don't know and come with me I will show you the way type of approach. Hmmmmm........I will not drink your Kool Aid Bo and I am not stupid or easily persuaded as I can make my OWN decisions when it comes to audio. Just wow ......enjoy the music and this journey.  
Wow - you people amaze me. After all the testimonials from the hundreds of clients Bo has helped reach audio nirvana, you still do not believe? Wait a minute - has ANYONE ever admitted to buying anything from this guy?  I would like to see some posts from some of the many satisfied clients.  
The great thing about audio in our world is that brands and products own different properties. People overhere think and focus on brands and products.

We are only interested in the properties they own. The Purist Audio LE powercables have a different influence on both sound&vision compared to AQ powercables. can create and do things different than the Dragon and Hurricane does.

Purist Audio Design make great products and I still use 3 LE in my system and no they will not be changed by Dragon or Hurricane.

These cables I choose for a particular part in my system based on their properties. You have no idea where you are tlking about.

You still think in trial and error, that will always be audio gambling. All my clients thought as you all overhere in trial and error before I met them.

Now they all own a Tru-Fi system and they all understand that their system is superior to each individual system they ever owned. And the biggest difference is that the emotion and intensity of music comes inside their head.

No one of my clients will ever make a changement in their system by trail and error. When you are aware that Tru-Fi outperfroms any system by trial and error you wil never be that stuppid to go back to your own created (limited) system.

When you will hear a Tru-Fi system you will directly understand and feel how much more it does to your emotion. Music is emotion and that is why we work by the human emotion.

Trial and error proves that it lacks many aspects of sound. This will always create a lower level in emotion and intensity.

The reason why some people react irritated overhere is based on the fact that I say things you don’t want to hear.

This proves that you would like to hear the things you want to hear. You need to look further and choose for the truth.

I always ask to people; what do you want to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear.

The last group I cannot and I will not help. I only can help those people who want the best possible. When I take a look at the products a new client owns I will say what he can keep and what needs to go.

Each inferior incomplete product I cannot use, because it will limit each system. When he wantes to keep it, it is fine with me. But I cannot help him. I will never connect my name to any 2D audio system or incomplete set.

This is a choice as well and I cannot do it differently. But I can create a quality in both sound&vision what is mindblowing.

In 2018 you will see and hear it.......goodluck to you all!

We will fill in many reviews soon. The website is in dutch. And in 2018 it will be in english as well.

There are already put different reviews on it. But it is in dutch. You need some patient. We have many new articles and photos ready to be placed on the website. What is still under construction.

Also take a look at:

Her you can see how we work. For a part because most things we will never photograph. People have no idea how much furhter we can go into details.

It is not comparable with the trail and error world you all live in.