Review of IMac Front Row software

For those of you considering computer front ends, I thought I'd share my thoughts on the new iMac G5 -- in particular, its new Front Row software. for those unacquainted with Front Row, it is a special part of iTunes designed to be the core of a home theater. You use it with a simple, slim white remote. When you click the "menu" key on it, the computer interface disappears, and you have menus you can read across the room.

I've lived with this software for about 2 months now. Basically, I'd put this software in the "pretty good" category, with a lot of room for improvement. I'd have to say, given Apple's mastery of the GUI everywhere else on the computer, it is a bit of a disappointment. (I use the computer almost exclusively for audio, so my comments pertain to that part of the program, FWIW) Herewith, some particulars:

On the plus side, it performs its basic role -- you can see the screen from across the room. But here are my questions:

One dimensional menus?? What I mean is that each screen up and down the menu tree, accessed by one click on the remote, is one long list you've got to scroll through. I catalog by album, and I'm on my way to ripping >800 of them -- pretty slow and crude, waiting for that list to scroll down to Wagner. WE're not in uncharted territory here -- DVD players have very simple remotes that let you skip among choices on the screen, including sideways. For example, albums A-F, G-N could be high level choices on one screen.

Baffling navigation. Do you ever want to know where you are in a particular album? A garden-variety CD player will tell you this; Front Row won't. Let's say you hop up 1 level from the "Now playing" screen. What you see (sometimes) is a static list of the cuts on the album. You don't know where you are in the album, either by track or timing. How do you get back to the "now playing" screen? Very counterintuitively -- by going up 1 more level (to genre, artist, etc.), where you have a "go to now playing" choice.

Even weirder -- Sometimes (I can't tell why) if you go up one level to from the "now playing" screen, the album list isn't there at all but the genre, artist, etc. screen.

I want to conclude by saying how great the Mac is for audio. I offer my comments in the hopes that Apple will take v1.0 Front Row and bring it up to the standards it sets for itself everywhere else in its products.
Thanks for the review. I just got a Quad processor G5 tonight, and wish It came with front row! Oh well. I wonder If I can download it- even though It wouldn't have the remote.

I do sometimes use my Ibook with USB out into my Outlaw 990 used as a DAC. I have to one day compare the quality with the same CD played back in my STan Warren AIwa XM37 unit. Should be an intersting comparison.

If PS audio ever releases their giant killler DAC (which also supports USB) that would be interesting. PS audio's new phono stage is killer BTW. I really like what they are doing, especially all fed by a power plant.
Hartwerger: The last two pieces of music I downloaded from iTunes Music Store were in Apple Lossless.
Pardales: How do you know that or should I ask, how did you do that? My understanding is that the music that can be bought through the iTunes music store is encoded in MPEG-4 AAC, a "near CD quality". This information comes from Apples' own literature about iTunes music store. I am not aware of any other way to receive a higher quality product from the music store. For the most part the quality of music I've purchased from iTunes isn't bad, but I can tell it lacks the body, weight, or fullness, if you will, that a lossless format would provide. So, please share your secret or enlighten me if I am misinformed!!!
UPDATE: My mistake! It is NOT Apple Lossless. It is AAC -- Sorry about that.
They still sound quite good.
I was very, curious about Front Row. I think this is just a hint of what is coming. I have almost entirely switched to Mac Audio using a either a Powerbook w/Airport Express or an iPod. Although I do pop in a CD once in a while and the "window is just a little clearer".