Rhodium plated audio grade wall socket

Is this snake oil?


I am renovating my house so have the opportunity to overhaul everything including the electrics. I am having a dedicated line from the breaker box/RCD to my hifi equipment. Will adding these types of wall sockets also help reduce interference from other household appliances, routers etc? What does Rhodium actually do in this case? It’s less conductive than copper, silver and gold.

Any thoughts are much appreciated.


Highly recommend the Furutech GTX-D sockets. I use the gold plated version GTX-DG (G for gold) around $176 but they also make the GTX-DR (R for Rhodium) for about $220.

I tested both but preferred the gold. It fit my system better and gave a more laid back sound, but the Rhodium is more detailed if that fits your likes.

Get Furutech GTX-D Rhodium NCF outlet. Pure copper base material. Big improvement in noise floor, resolution, tone and soundstage.

+1 @carlsbad, rhodium is not the greatest conductor but is used also because it wont tarnish or corrode, so personally I wouldn’t pay the premium for it. The best wall sockets I’ve used are the audioquest nrg  that have silver spade grounds.

The entire electric panel shares noise with every single outlet in your home.  Dedicated outlets are helpful but noise is still a problem regardless. Maybe a sub panel is a better choice for your audio system.

A great power conditioner goes a lot further and maybe generating your own electricity.

Get higher gauge electric wire from the panel to ensure you can meet all your delicate frequency needs and then I think you're OK.  Wait a while and let things calm down and then invest in new outlets if you want.  these are easy to change later on

It's not rocket science.