I wonder if the statement of "the quality of presently available acrylic", is accurate, meaning that VPI was having problems with thier acrylic suppliers? I'd assume they certainly know more than I, being in the business this many years.
I could imagine, that there could be these anomalies, in that VPI would go through all the machining-fabrication work of an Acrylic Plinth, peel the paper, find defects like bumps, and pock marks, and the piece then has to be rejected due to cosmetic flaws.
Doesn't Tables like the Aries 3, and SSM still use Acrylic Sheet? If so, then maybe these as well will fall by the wayside soon?
I'm curious then, will that mean, that all we will perhaps see in the future from VPI, will be laminated MDF, (and/or wood) akin to a VPI 16.5 RCM, due to ease, and lesser cost of manufacture? Mark