Rogue Monoblocks

Good morning, Am on the verge of replacing a Rogue Atlas Magnum II to the M-180 Mono Blocks.
I am running a Rogue a RP-1 Pre into a pair of Klipsch Forte III's, anybody have any opinions or comments before I spend the dough?
Some 10 years ago I had a pair of 150s with cryoed input and driver tubes (6550 and EL34s). I ran them balanced using Silversonic ICs, underneath was Stillpoints and Risers and Harmonic Resonance boards made with violin wood. Preamp was a tubed Lector, special ordered as true balanced, and a Raysonic 168 tubed CD player with NOS tubes.

The amps transformers were not the greatest, producing rolled off the highs. My friend at the time sold audio tubes and heard them stating the problem was their transformers. You should find out if they've been significantly upgraded 

I heard the Rogue 150 mono blocks with the Rogue RP5 preamp driving some huge and ugly looking Avalon speakers (speakers look like Darth Vader).  Excellent sound with extended highs and very tight bass with tubes no less. I heard this at Overture Audio in Wilmington Delaware when I picked up a new preamp from them.   
That's a lot of power and heat to run a pair of Fortes. Are you using up the Atlas Magnum? 
I have M-180s. Great amps, very clean and plenty of power. Tight bass, nothing "rolled off" about the treble.

There are a number of reviews on them. One compares them to another amp (forget which one) saying the M-180 sounds more "solid state" than the solid state amp.

If you're looking for a tubey sound then they are probably not for you, but if you're looking for clean and powerful amplification they fit the bill.