Grannyring +1, "no absolutes in this hobby" profound in its brevity and honesty. Configuring an audio system is a mixture of knowledge, direct experince and art. Charles,
Kana I give up with as you just like to argue. This site has a few like you and I took the bait. Too bad. Enjoy your system and I will mine. I am sure we both have more important priorities.
Those interested in a world class stand/footers for you gear, these Apprentice stands are an excellent choice. I will order a couple more for my preamp and amps. The whole topic of mechanical grounding is most interesting and these stands incorporate state of the art wisdom in their design and materials choice.
I owned the Aesthetix Callisto Signature and Io non signature for 5+ years. The Signature update is not that big of a deal when it comes to parts updates. Caps updated to DynamicapsÂ….big deal! They were fine a decade ago but nothing special now. For a "Signature" product to use these as the top capacitor is questionable. And a handful of resistors in "ideal" locationsÂ….again, big deal. And the price markup for the parts "updates" is crazy.
The major improvement is to 86 all the Sovteks in these units and play a combination of Tele, Mullard and RCA. A non-sig unit with rolled tubes will easily destroy a signature unit with stock tubes. I suspect the same is for the Aesthetix digital gear.
It is very easy for Grannyring to spend a fraction of the Signature update and put in the same parts and achieve the same. I did this with the Io. In in fact, for the same cost, it is very easy to DIY to take the non-sig product beyond the Signature.
Having to "hear" an authentic Signature model to get the true Aesthetix magic is ridiculous.
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