Room divider

I would like some feedback from people who use a room divider. My listening room is rather a lot longer than wider. So my listening area is about half the length of my total room. The other end is more of a sitting area with a couch and chair coffee table and end tables. It’s really my Rolling Stones room where I have all my Rolling Stones autographs hung on my walls. Anyway I was thinking about a room divider behind my listening chair when I’m the only one listening to music. Would this be a good idea for better sound as to keep more of it in my listening area ? Anyone have any thoughts or have done the same ? 

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Why not ?

I used a foldable screen as a sonic lense in my small room..

My room was relatively small and i used with success in this heavily occupied acoustic room by hundred of devices the screen as an acoustic device concentrating the waves and conveying them ...Yes it was mad... But my soundfield was very remarkable...

Listen and you will discover the right way,...

In acoustic there is not so much  bad rooms , as mere  bad tuning...


Might depend on the acoustic properties of your room divider. And it would be a good idea I think to have the divider a good ways behind your listening chair or you may get reflections of the sound off of it. 

Folding screens are a nice solution for a variety of sonic issues in a rooms setup.

I use a pretty inexpensive one to close off the opening to my dining room. It’s was an experiment, and works well. I need to get a nicer one, one of these days.