room setup suggesion needed

Hi everyone,


The question is for gurus of room setup.

Question is if anyone can suggest improvement of the situation where there is not much room for adjustment.

So there you go: 

1) Room conditions

room size 30ft x 30ft

audio wall with the location near centerline

rehearsing distance from the wall 9ft

sound focal point with speakers directed 8ft sound cross path directly at rehearsal point  ( not much room to adjust focal point could be pushed back max 3ft, not too happy about that idea)

speakers spread at 10ft center to center ( could be spread possibly to max 12ft with given wires)

speaker face 2ft off the wall less than 1ft space behind ( could be moved forward and tilted)

wall treatments floor dampening as well, floor standing speakers on spikes.


speakers JBL 4367

speaker wires FURTECH Douglas 7ft be-wire Rhodium spades 

Amp Pass Labs X250.8

Pre amp Pass Labs XP-12

Phono Pass Labs XP-15

Turntable VPI Classic 1 JMW 10.5  Hana ML

Server Mac mini  

DAC Schiid Modius balanced out

inter connector cable Canari XLR 

system fully balanced 

power cables FURTEH 



Honestly system sounds really good, but better is enemy of good so is there anything I can do better or is there anything that I'm doing wrong ?


Thanks for opinions!




Showing 5 responses by erik_squires



Let me rephrase. I find your attitude confrontational and ill informed and I don’t need to participate in your argument as a result. Good day.

@mijostyn - I decline to play with you anymore. I’ve shared my beliefs based on measurements and hands on experience, which I believe is all backed up by research which you are best left to your own devices to find.

@mijostyn  - I don't think it's an either or situation.  Bass traps help make EQ's more effective.  You can certainly get excellent results in cutting bass nodes with an EQ alone, but traps may help smooth out the bass in more areas on the room than just one, as well as make it possible to fix nulls somewhat better than with an EQ alone. 

The truth is it's often a matter of money and space that determines what we use.  EQ's are relatively inexpensive, and easy to hide.

Anyone who thinks they know anything about how their speakers sound in a room because of the specs is probably mistaken.  The room changes everything and measurements are key.

The ability to limit the bass in main speakers and move subs to ideal locations can be life changing, as are bass traps and sub EQ.

One tool that's super easy ot use is the AM Acoustics room mode simulator.  Plug in your room dimensions and it will help you avoid the worst trouble spots for speakers and listening location.