Rowland 2 or Accuphase A50?

Which of these amps are the better? I'm used to tube gear, but looking into the high end solid state to see if it compares.
Todd as you know, I have tried a lot of solid state & even some tube equipment. When I finally got around to buying an Accuphase that's where I stopped; there was simply no need to try anything else. But don't take my word for this; contact membername = Cornfedboy. He has them both (Rowland & Accuphase) as I understand it.
No no no and no .... You will go the wrong way !!
The better is your old tube gear.
I agree about tubes, but in SS defense, I tried a ML #32 pre.(SS) and the stage broadened and sound cleared up. That was what made me go to SS preamp and tube amp direction.I've been ABing SSpres. and tube pres. since. S.State pres. have an edge on tube pre. in my room and system. I know this is bassackwards of what everybody preaches, that tube pre. and SS amp, but the SS pre. was much cleaner. So I'm going to try a to notch SS amp once again. I'm purchasing a Goldmund Mimesis 3, Rowland 2W/ battery supply,and a Accuphase A-20 just to try. I'll let you know the outcome.