SACD - Dying already?

I just read the industry blurb in this month's TAS which described how it seems the stream of SACDs from Sony has pretty much dried up. I was in the largest local independent record store in my area last week and actually bought a SACD because it was music not available on CD. The SACD/DVD-A section was a bit smaller than a year ago and I asked the manager about it. He laughed and said they only sell 2-3 a month combined and he doesn't order many anymore.

Except for audiophiles, is anyone buying these things? Or, are all hopes and dreams of SACD slowly fading away (for at least Sony)?
For bundy and you all, i have a recently acquired pioneer dv47ai and my system is hugely better than anyone i know. i have upgraded to affordable (junk to many of you rich guys) gear consisting of a roksan kandy ka i III and whatmough p31 with a subwoofer and lousy old 32 inch panasonic tv. but i am having trouble finding any sacd or dvd a i really want, except to try a diana krall or a few cd's from DGG or Sony.

Any rec's for this old audiophile classical and jazz buff?
Tower Records in Harvard Square is now selling many "current release" SACDs for $14.99. So now many of their SACDs are actually less expensive than the same recording on CD. Usually stores will discount the price like that when they're trying to get rid of something. Having said that I've never seen this big store so empty. You'd think that everyone was purchasing their Jazz or Classical CDs on Ebay or Amazon.
I've been to the Virgin Record store in Orlando twice in the last year and it was hopping. Last time I stood in line behind 10-12 people but it was in a tourist area. Same thing with Dearborn Music even though I usually go in mornings during the week. However, I've noticed local Borders' music sections are quite empty. Problem I have with on-line is the lack of ability to browse. Virgin has such a hugh selection that I always find things that I didn't know existed or stuff forgotten years ago. Maybe someone can tell me how to cruise through Amazon finding stuff I didn't know about or had forgotten. Same reason I don't use NetFlix anymore - too damn difficult to scope out the available movies.

My local store sells some SACDs for $15.00 but it seems there are manufacturers who still think the format is worth $25.00.
Go to a CD shop that sells used CD's
You might be surprised what you find.
I have found several used and mint SACD's for $9.99
From what I recall,Best Buys SACD's usually are ~ $14-$18