Salk speakers Integrated Amp suggestion......

I've been intrigued by Salk speakers for a while. It seems they receive high accolades from owners and non-owners alike and I'm thinking of putting in an order in for the SS 8's or SS 9.5's. They have an efficiency rating of 86/87.
My question is what Integrated Amp would pair well with the Salk's? I've heard them with the Wells Majestic at Axpona a couple of years ago, and although nice, it didn't blow me away. My budget would probably top out around $10k, give or take. I've been reading other threads and see Audio by Van Alstine mentioned, but no Integrateds.
Do I need a lot of power? I've been reading/looking at Pass, Hegel, Mac, ML & Aesthetixs Mimas to name a few. Prefer SS since I've never dealt with tubes, but am not adverse them or a hybrid. There are so many to choose from but I want something with synergy to the Salk's. Any recommendations?
Yesterday I heard the Mark Levinson integrated amp.  New model.  I was surprised at how good it sounded.  $9K list but look for a B Stock unit.  Can't go wrong.

Happy Listening.
+1 about calling Jim.  I have the Exotica monitors @92db with a Pass XA-25.  When I conversed with him via email while researching, he confirmed my hopes that the monitors would be a good match with the amp.

Love my Salk speakers.

See link below, scroll down a bit to the 4th photo. This setup was at CAS with the SS 9.5s. Jim recently commented to me about this amp too, if you want to go tube, he seemed to like this setup yet it was something in progress as I recall. Not sure if its available yet or not.  And he’ll likely have other ideas for solid state.

Thanks for the insight. I think you're correct with me having a conversation with Jim. I understand someone blindly recommending an amplifier probably wouldn't be the best option, but since I can't hear these speakers before I purchase them I thought a few Agoner's might have a few recommendations of what works for them. Synergy again, with what might work well with the Salks
@decooney691, love the looks of the McGary SA-2, I've just never used tube amps and am a little cautious of them.