Sanders 10B Electrostatic

I have a friend who owns these and is considering high quality tube amp to drive.

Anyone have experience?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Albert, I would suggest taking a look at the Music Reference RM-200. Can drive a 1 ohm load and Roger Modjeski has plenty of experience with ESLs having worked for Beveridge, designing the RM-10 for the Quad ESL-57, and now having his own ESL system, including the ability to build a direct drive amp for ESLs. I have been helping him set up his new shop in Berkeley so while he is busy I am sure he'd be happy to provide some assistance.
If you haven't done so as yet, I'd suggest that you talk with the man himself to get some ideas. My audio buddy just got Magtechs for his Maggies and was very impressed with how knowledgeable and forthcoming Roger was.
Albert, I would suggest taking a look at the Music Reference RM-200. Can drive a 1 ohm load

Wow, is that required for the Sanders 10B?

If you haven't done so as yet, I'd suggest that you talk with the man himself to get some ideas. My audio buddy just got Magtechs for his Maggies and was very impressed with how knowledgeable and forthcoming Roger was.

I've spoken to Roger at shows many times, definitely a passionate man about his speakers and they do indeed sound good even under show conditions.

My fear about asking advice on amps would be some bias toward his solid state design.

My friend is searching for tube amp option so I‘m hoping for real world experience from Audiogon members. I appreciate all the input so far, wish I had experience with these so this would not be necessary.
Albert, it may not be required for the 10B but how many 100 watt tube amps can drive a 1 ohm load? Given that it should be able to handle the impedance of the speaker. As for current, if the RM-200 doesn't meet the challenge I am sure the RM-9 Special Edition can, but the price on that amp is substantially higher compared to the RM-200.
Albert, it may not be required for the 10B but how many 100 watt tube amps can drive a 1 ohm load?

Is the Sanders a 1 ohm load? If yes, do you know across what part of the musical spectrum?

What is your opinion on 200 + WPC tube amps? Say Audio Research REF 250W mono blocks or Atma-Sphere 200W mono blocks?

Do you think they are up to task for Sanders?