Sandy's Impact on your Listening

How did Sandy impact your listening? For me, days without power provided a sense of value for my music listening.
No power here from mid-day Monday until noon today (Sunday). Time was spent keeping the wood stove fed, cleaning debris in the neighborhood, and going to work. Power there, so we let people charge up their phones, notebooks and iPods. Also discovered reading for pleasure again and the benefits of going to sleep early every night.
Lost my listening room due to the storm surge, and may not be able to rebuild it. :-(
Lost power for a whole week. I can do without the lights or the stereo, but having a well means no water during such occurrences. That's a tough row to hoe. Still, what I faced was nothing compared to some who live in NJ and NY.
Like Trelja, No power for 7 days.
We did have water but cold showers are no fun.
And now the Nor'easter.
So many are still without power on day 10.Others have lost their homes and the most unfortunate lost their lives.
My music can wait,helping others get there life back takes precedent
Rodge,Im sorry to hear about your listening room,hope you and your family are