Sandy's Impact on your Listening

How did Sandy impact your listening? For me, days without power provided a sense of value for my music listening.
Lost power for a whole week. I can do without the lights or the stereo, but having a well means no water during such occurrences. That's a tough row to hoe. Still, what I faced was nothing compared to some who live in NJ and NY.
Like Trelja, No power for 7 days.
We did have water but cold showers are no fun.
And now the Nor'easter.
So many are still without power on day 10.Others have lost their homes and the most unfortunate lost their lives.
My music can wait,helping others get there life back takes precedent
Rodge,Im sorry to hear about your listening room,hope you and your family are
We lost power here in Shelton CT from Monday until late Friday afternoon ... I was lucky enough to get a room at the Hampton Inn for 3 days and four nights so I could take hot showers and watch some TV in the interim

When the power came back on Friday evening I noticed all the street lights traffic lights and store signs were shinning much brighter apparently due to all the new transformers, cabling, and fresh connections

My stereo is off line until after the holidays but the colors on my plasma has a lot more pop and vividness

Then yesterday we were hit with the Northeaster ... got 8 inches of snow and my wife Gloria was staring through the kitchen window for over 4 hours straight ... finally I decided with conditions worsening ... I better let her back in the house (;-)
My brother in law had his basement flooded despite putting in a battery backup for his sump pump hours earlier (it did not have time to charge fully before the power went out). That was a bummer.

My sister in BErgen County NJ had a 75 foot tree fall and luckily just miss her house but take out her garage, fence, and son's car.

My work closed for two days unscheduled for the first time in my 16 years there. Ironically, I was able to carve out some of that time to listen to music instead of being at work. I felt a little guilty about that knowing what was going on for others elsewhere.

I read that East River NYC flooding came up to the door of the OHM Acoustics facility in Brooklyn, but they managed to come out undamaged. That might have affected my listening at some point down the road FWIW.