Schiit Bifrost plus ESI Juli or Bifrost USB

Hi all,

I recently posted in the Digital section a question about budget USB DACs for an office system. One of the suggestions was the Schiit Bifrost.

Doing some reading about the Bifrost indicates that Schiit considers S/PDIF a superior interface to USB, no surprise I guess. They have a USB input module for the Bifrost which is pretty good, but all the reviews pretty much say it sounds better with S/PDIF input.

Also reading lots of praise for the ESI Juli@ as a sound card. So here's the question: what's the better approach, a great sound card like the Juli@ and a non-usb DAC, or a usb-DAC with a well engineered usb interface?

I know there are some really good usb DACs out there like the Ayre but I'm thinking more in the sub 1K range DACs.

What do you think?

Showing 4 responses by mesch

The bitfrost costs $350 w/o USB or $450 w/ usb. Is this your budget or are considering a greater budget?
Seems to me that your chosen option should work out well for you. I use the USB/ SPDIF route. Feel it is better than using onboard USB in inexpensive DACs. The Juli@ should also be an improvement. No experience with one however. Enjoy!
I have been using a M2Tech Hiface which plugs directly into USB port thus avoiding need for USB cable. Have just purchased a used Audiophellio2 with power supply. Haven't received it yet, should have it in play next week. I used the hiface with a PS Audio Digital link III.

What type of music files will you be using? Are you ripping CDs to your computer?
Given that you use a PC (I use MAC) and your source will consist of ripped CDs and internet radio, then you might go with the soundcard and the non-usb DAC option. With the soundcard you will only need a digital cable and not both digital and USB. Both items should hold value allowing for an inexpensive upgrade path should you chose to take one.

Happy hunting!