Equalization is necessary sometimes for some speakers; in my case for my very special headphone; then "purist" are deluded...
I use some for my headphone AKG-K340...It is an hybrid with two cells a dynamic one and an electro-acoustic one, and to reach optimal S.Q. i must tame a precise frequencies range in the middle band and at the two extremities, i boost the top highs and the deep bass... The result is more natural timbre for all instrument and voice... Hybrid headphone are too complex and costly to design well for profit and good sound said to me a big headphone company designer , that said a lot, and are too picky to drive well with any random amplifier in my experience ... The K340 is the only success and flagship for an hybrid ever... It change my life after the sad fateful lost of my acoustic room...
I dont use EQ. as a toy at all for different nusical genre or styles and i never touched it again after the listening month experiment where i set it right to optimize my K340...I use EQ. to optimize TIMBRE perception once for all and this acoustic factor had nothing to do with listening to various musical genre...
If someone use it as a toy it may be fun for sure but for me that means this audio system had an unsolved problem ... Because well designed system in optimized room need EQ only for improving timbre, and compensate for some speakers limits as in my headphone drivers case, it did not replace passive acoustic treatment not mechanical active control of the room ... ( in my room i was using mechanical equalization)
My EQ is integrated in my dac as a very basic tool it is not a sophisticated equalization as the Schiit product, but it does the minimal work i need ...
«The only "purist" i trust has a double personality, he bi-locate around my head»-- Anonymus acoustician 🎧