Scott Nixon outboard DAC's, any good?

I've got a question for all you digital guys about a scott nixon outboard DAC. I've been fighting this what to buy upgraded cdp situation for close to a year now. I have recently been thinking of a modded Jolida by underwood wally or a consonance 2.2. However, I stumbled across a boutique builder named scott nixon who makes a tubed outboard dac. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them and can give some advice. I am thinking this may be a option and use my denon dvd 2800 as a transport.This may propve to be a good alternative to spending $2000 for a new cdp. Thanks for any advice.
Scott Nixon was the Analogic Design Group/Anadyne in the 80s and 90s and consistently made excellent-sounding tubed CDPs and DACs. He knows what he's doing and does it well. You should check the AA archives, there's a lot of posts about his work.
The TubeDac+ @ $475.00 shipped appears to be a hell of a deal. To build on those who may respond to this thread, what transport are people using with this DAC (or what cost-effective transport would people recommend)?

Nicholas Renter