Seeking advice on Speakers that create an intimate 2 channel listening experience

So the past month I started a couple of threads on speaker choice on AVS forum (One asked for Powered/Active floor standing Speaker choices and another one around non-active FS speakers for a tube amp I was looking at).

But I've come to realize this was the wrong tact, got lots of flack much deserved and wanted to try to solicit the advice/opinions on this forum which I just discovered.

Short background...Hunkered down in a suburb just outside NYC now for the past 3-4 months, I started to get the itch for a dedicated 2 channel stereo Turntable setup in our living room in May. After much research and twists and turns and immediate upgraditis, as some know on here from other posts, I've finally settled in and now own a Rega Planar 10 Turntable. I also own a Sutherland phono --20/20 with LPS and that's staying. Right now the phono preamp is hooked up direct to a pair of ELAC ARF51 floorstanding speakers (all drivers powered by built in AB amps) which I like a lot BUT ITS HERE THAT I WANT MORE. Btw, I love the ELAC design of mounting the tweeter concentric in the mid driver -- makes sense to me.  I kinda wish ELAC would take the same design and make a reference speaker but thats for another day.

So to swap out the ELACs, I will obviously need an amp, but I will figure that out later and want to focus on getting the right speakers for me for what I want. So what do I want?

1. Floorstanders. Close to full range as possible. No subs.
2. Looks count since in my main living room.
3. Speakers that prioritize Imaging Imaging Imaging. That disappear in the room creating an intimate but 3D listening experience. Clean (Accurate) warm sound. No distortion. I would easily sacrifice low end for untiring highs and warm mids I don't listen to metal or hiphop anymore so I don't need loudness, more like lounge experience if that makes sense. Apologize if I got the adjectives wrong but its personal description of what I'm seeking.
4. Price Point - -$10k-25k. Room is 22x18 with 25 foot ceiling

I would like to audition/demo before I buy and since I live in the Tri-State area it should be possible. But I'm finding that obviously difficult to do right now. I listened to a pair of Salk speakers but didn't love them. And have an appt with the Audio Doctor in NJ in two weeks.

Thanks in advance.
Some people here have suggested used speakers. I have gotten some fantastic speakers at some crazy good low prices. Especially when it's the exwife or daughter selling off there hubby's or dads stuff.Craigslist,letgo I have found speakers Allison's,Klipsch, Martin Logans ,Jbls,Polk,Tannoy,Kef,SonusFaber,B&W and many more at crazy prices.True some,need a wire soldered, or Surrounds replaces ,or need to be refinished but when you get a pair of speakers that list for thousands for less than $200 OR $100 or even FREE.Im not a person who would ever buy $250,000 even if I had the money.The joy in getting  a pair cheap that sound good that's my thing.

 Do you like small, intimate music/jazz clubs?  Do you prefer to sit mid-hall at a live music event?  How about desiring to hear the music between the speakers (with depth and slightly beyond the outside of the speakers)?  If you answered yes, then you owe it to yourself to hear a pair of used Spendor S8e speakers. 

I have two pair and I will never sell them.  I've owned the Spendor SP-100, SP1/2e; heard a pair of SP2/3e, and others.  I sold them all and kept only the SP1, and SP2/2.  If you want the ultimate in imaging and intimacy but are willing to sacrifice low end impact, although bookshelves, the SP2/2 are terribly underrated.  In my opinion, they deserve the cult following over the LS3/5A.  I have the Harbeth HL5, which I do like for a couple of reasons, but they are overrated in some regard.  However, I won't sell them because of their versatility.  Well, I would sell them and one pair of my S8e's to help finance a pair of Tannoy Westminster Royal.

If you can find a pair of the very musical and handsome Spendor S8e floor-standing speakers to start your experiment, try them out and you might just find another use for your hefty speaker budget.

Good luck!  :-)

It is crazy how discounted used speakers generally are, similar to a car once you drive it off the lot and then when start to add miles, especially when newer models come out. Case in point, Raidho speakers. People who can afford Raidho seem to typically trade after just a couple years as newer models come in and sell the older versions for like 60-70 percent off. Raidho D3.1's which are 70k speakers selling for under 25k on audiogon/ebay/hifishark.  There's a guy on the same sites selling his 107k msrp YG Acoustics A Anat Reference II for 25k.  And he lives on Long Island. I should just rent a Uhaul and be done with it.  Lol .  Of course its not without its risks.
Most of those very expensive speakers are way over priced to begin with! Opened up a pair of B&W 801s many years ago and could not believe the cheap crossover parts used. Same for Snell CV awesome sound from vey poor parts and cheap drivers. Most of the cost for advertising, shows, dealer markup, are rolled into the high price tag. Then there is the psychological aspect of “Hmmm if they  are that expensive they must be awesome...” My mantra is sift through the hype and always listen before you buy!!! 
At the $10-25k price point, I think aesthetics, service and how you connect with your dealer are just as important as the sound. Fortunately there are numerous dealers in the greater NYC area. The only question is how exhaustive you intend your search. I went to quite a few in NYC and the key thing for me was dealer rapport. You have to find someone you think gets your taste and whom you trust.