Seriously considering tube preamp…opinions?

Tube virgin, here. I am building a system and I'm trying to contain the preamp/amp cost to $3k or so. (I could go up a little.) 

I'm inclined not to dive into tubes all the way through, but get a solid state on the output end. (Open to suggestions; inclined toward PS Audio, Parasound.) I'm reading around about tube preamps and have talked with my local dealer, who sells Black Ice/Jolida and Prima Luna (PL). He used to carry Rogue but said they kept coming back for repairs. That's why he carries PL.

I'm asking these questions after having established (via reviews, comments) that Schiit gear is quite the value. Lately, I've been reading about Decware and other small tube makers. I'm very curious about buying direct, if possible, and a company that stands behind their products is crucial.

So, your opinions about tube integrated or *especially* tube preamps —

1. Who do you like? Consider I want to do pre/amp for a total of $3k if possible.

2. Do you think PL is worth all that money just for a preamp? I get the feeling they're high quality but a bit over-hyped. (No disrespect to the highly passionate Kevin Deal, but he's all over my search results.) And what would you think about $2k/$1k preamp-to-amp spending ratio?

3. Any sense of what happened to Jolida since the name change to "Black Ice"? I see there's a sordid story there but did the re-branding clear up the mess? Any experiences with the Black Ice company?

4. I know there are many Schiit fans out there; so my question would be -- did anyone consider Schiit for tube preamp and go another way? Or move beyond Schiit for any particular reason? It's hard not to just capitulate and do a Freya+ or Saga+ but why wouldn't one just go with Schiit?

Tubes can add some sweet sounding harmonics to recording that need them. They can also add these harmonics to recordings that do not need them. It used to be said that James Parker of Audio Research specifically added 2nd order harmonics to sweeten his design. As a scientist of sorts, I prefer to add harmonics on an as needed basis.
This sort of blanket statement is problematic! The actual psychoacoustic situation is much more complex. Just as tubes 'add harmonics', so do transistors (although to a lesser extent). The problem is that with the vast majority of transistor amps (greater than 99%, due to insufficient gain bandwidth product, which is a discussion for another thread) the harmonics they add are higher orders which are interpreted by the ear as brightness and harshness.

The ear has a masking principle, and in addition is relatively insensitive to the lower ordered harmonics (2nd-4th). If the lower orders are present in sufficient quantity, they can mask the presence of the higher orders. This is why tubes sound smoother than solid state despite having higher distortion.

On the personal preference side, I enjoy the greater soundstage width and depth, instrument timbres and low level detail that IME that is commonly associated with tube circuits.

At this point, I’ve only compared tubes vs SS two times:
Dynaudio evoke 10s (84db, 6 ohm) somewhat underpowered by
Atoll solid state separates 60wpc vs Quicksilver integrated, 20 epic. The QS was far superior. #2
Spendor A7 (88db, 8 ohms) quite well supplied by Primaluna EVO 400 integrated vs Parasound separates P6 & A23+. The Parasound was superior. 
Overall, as I said, the QS was clearly superior to all else, but I want to hear more. 

I mention this because it is my actual listening background, and identifies my present limitations for comprehending suggestions and data points mentioned. 
I'll never forget the first time I swapped out my beloved 200wpc mosfet solid state amp (in disrepair) for a custom hand made 17-watt loaner tube amp - trying it on my speakers at home.  Woah...  


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Exactly, and there is at least one 30wpc Class A solid state amp that could potentially displace my current mono tube amps but won’t let myself near it. Well, maybe....ugh :)