Server/Source Recommendation For Denafrips Terminator

Just picked up a Terminator and quite like it so far. I've an old Cambridge 851C that I'm using as a transport for the couple hundred or so CDs that I haven't ripped, and an Aurender N100H along with NAS totaling around 7TB. Files are mostly FLAC, WAV and about 10% are DSD.

I'm looking to improve on the sound quality of the N100H. I don't have a real issue with the Conductor App functionality and no real desire/need to step into ROON.

However, I am looking to add some input flexibility and not be tied solely to USB. The Denafrips has the usual suspects when it comes to inputs and it also has I2S, which I used way back when with some old Audio Alchemy gear (yes, I'm that old).

I've zero interest in streaming and zero interest in buying a unit with an inbuilt DAC.

Is it worth trying to find something with I2S connectivity, or are the "gains" too small to worry about?

Can you recommend a music server that wouldn't constrain the potential of the Denafrips Terminator and could be found on the used market for around $3000 - $4000, perhaps a little more if needed?

Looking for feedback from people who value (or not) the I2s connectivity and who have some experience with this DAC and a variety of sources. 

Many thanks.

Thanks for the inputs above.

I decided to 'tinker' with Roon, setting up Roon server on my Macbook and just getting a feel for its UI and such.

To cut a long story short, I purchased a sonicTransporter i5, ultraRendu, iFi Zen Streamer and an ultraDigital for its i2s connectivity.

The iFi Zen Streamer is a great little unit, tons of features and easy to get up and running. It's going into my office system feeding an Ayre Codex USB Dac.

I'm still playing with the main setup into the Terminator DAC but so far I'm pleased with the results. Yes, it's a bit more complicated than I'd intended, but I think the results are worth it.
I looked hard at the Gaia but didn't want to splash the cash at this point.
The sonicT i5 gives me better options, controlling multiple endpoints etc, which would've been difficult to do via the Aurender and Gaia. I may still add a Gaia at some point down the line.

Just closing the loop here, thanks again y'all.

I'm a bit confused - wouldn't / shouldn't the N100 > DAC trump the three new items in the chain going to DAC? 

I've never used an aurender product yet, but they do seem appealing and by all accounts offer fantastic SQ?
I myself have a somewhat complex chain, but I would like to try one their products just to see
@redlenses03 My N100H is out on loan so I can't do a side-by-side just yet, but word has it that the i5, ultraRendu, digitalRendu into i2s is a step or two up from the sound of the N100H. I'm hoping that turns out to be the case. I'm certainly enjoying what I'm hearing so far :)

good to know.  I’ve been using an OpticalRendu as an naa for HQP and SQ is pretty damn good.  
I’m just curious about the Aurender architecture