Should I sell my accuphase for this schiit

I have a super bad ass totally restored Accuphase p-250. I kind of really want to buy a pair of schiit aegir and use them as monoblock amps.  Am I crazy? Will the aegir blow me away? What do you think? 
This is for a bedroom system. 
Source: node 2i 
DAC: Gungnir Multibit 
Preamp: Schiit Freya+Amp: Accuphase p250
speakers: ascend acoustics sierra 2ex 
all the usual tweaks. 

@georgehifi so if I use the schiit in mono, you say I’ll take a big hit. What does that mean?
  Also, I asked the speaker designer at ascend acoustics about bi-wire when I had them made, and he swore to me that it’s a scam (bi-wire), it has no benefits, and was just created as marketing. So I believed him and didn’t get that option. 
andrewkelley OP
I kind of really want to buy a pair of schiit aegir and use them as monoblock amps. Am I crazy?

 Great stereo poweramp, if a little low in power and left as a stereo amp.
Bridge it for mono use, and all you gain is wattage, all other parameter that made it good stereo amp, will now take a large hit.

Pity your speakers are not bi-amp/wire’able (but doable with mods not too hard).
Then I would say get a Schiit Aegir (amp1) for the highs and a Schiit Vidar (amp2) for the mid/bass and horizontally bi-amp them,

That will blow the old Accuphase away big time. (may need a $38 Shiit Sys passive on the louder of the two amps if they are not the same gain to equalize the gains) and then keep using your Freya as the main preamp and volume.

Cheers George

@mikem i really like my freya+ preamp and my gungnir multibit DAC so I feel like a pair of aegir will make a sweet set. 
@jond i do wonder how an accuphase from 1974 stacks up against current tech. The accuphase definitely looks good too. 
@erik_squires its all too expensive for me, but it’s my drug of choice and I gotta feed the monkey. 
Try the schiit..  I have some of their gear and it's top notch stuff.. especially for the price! I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
I would suspect your Accuphase would be at least as good if not better but who knows? Schiit has a 15 day return policy is the restocking fee worth an in home comparison to you?