Should I Upgrade from an Edge G8 amp to the Edge NL-12 amp??

I have an Edge system now with an Edge G2 preamp and Edge G8 amp. I like it, it’s detailed & resolving, but just not in love with it. It doesn’t seem to have the punch in the speakers I thought the pair would produce. Maybe it’s cabling or source, or speakers. I was considering a power upgrade to the Edge NL-12 to improve on it. Any thoughts pro or con? Or could I do better going in a different direction. I'm open to all suggestions.


EDIT: This is for a secondary system in a 15x22’ room.

Ag insider logo xs@2x3zub
3zub I really think you have "enough" amp already you don't really need more power, try different speakers first before you look at changing your amp would be my thought.
If you have the  Edge G2 preamp with battery option onboard, this could leave you without the punch and dynamics you are speaking of. I once owned the Edge Signature One preamp and this is what I noticed also... a lack of punch and dynamic impact... as you say.  The battery mode was super quiet though.

I owned the G2 and G8 and upgraded to the NL 12.1 and Sig 1.1 SE pre. Very nice and a significant upgrade. Running with B&W 800D and lots of bass impact battery or wall power, Room has proved the biggest issue, particularly with the bass.