similar speakers

In my opinion A'gon is missing an opportunity in not having a "similar items" or "people who looked at this also considered" capability like Ebay or Amazon. So, for example, if I am looking for B&W 803 Diamond speakers, they could recommend similar performance speakers that are available.
I'll still buy here, but won't sell anymore. There are just too many other sites for hobbyists.

It's not the money Audiogon charges, it's all the changes over the past few years. Too intrusive and restrictive, all the signing in over and over (what's up with that anyway?). If I hadn't started here back when it truly was just a bunch of audio-people trading stuff I might feel different. Remembering the good old days gets in the way for us old dudes.
To hardcore audiophile (which I am not)...there are no similiarities between products...every piece of equipment is different...even the same model from different production run...we are talking people who encase turntables in concrete, stay home alone at dust their amps, measure speaker placement in a familiar section would be pointless imho