Sinatra question

I was listening to a Sinatra (very early years) special on the radio a few days ago, but couldn't listen to the whole show. His voice back in the 40s and as early as the late 30s with Harry James, was drop dead the best he ever sounded to me. I'm looking for recommendations on Sinatra pre 1950. thanks in advance. peace, warren :)

Showing 1 response by nonoise

Try 'Live in Paris', whatever disc that has 'From the Wee Small Hours' on it, 'Duets', and maybe "live at the Sands'. I heard 'Live From Paris' and the song, "From the Wee Small Hours" on the radio a few days ago and finally became a fan of his. It was incredible. As for the other two, it was a recommnedation from the DJ so I can't vouch for the quality of the recording.