Of caurse I agree with you about the shortcoming in many speaker designs (electrostatics are no exception) and I have state that in one of my previous posts.
As to your DIY assessment -
"Single driver design for DIY might be not the best choice - it is difficult and drivers are not available".
I do not really agree with that statement.
Fostex drivers are easily obtainable, as well as Great Plains Audio, Lowther ets.
Fostex being one of the best when it comes to value and Lowther drivers as the state of the art ( some claim their superiority) but costly alternatives.
If you decided to build SD enclosures yourself, it would cost you 10X less then commercial products. Even if you had to hire a cabinet maker or handy finishing carpenter it would still be substantially less then anything close in performance vs cost on the market today.
(you can alway find the way if you put your mind to it)
$7000 Fujitsu Eclipse is a very nice speaker. I had a pleasure of auditioning those on few occasions. Awesome image, soundstage, well balanced, cute bass*.....
*and that is the problem I had with this particular speakers.
Also, 7K is a bit much for what you get from these small monitors. They sure look nice though.
If I told you that:
you can have a speaker that will require some sweat, work, will sound IMO better then those 7K monitors (and many others in that price range) for ........lets say, $1500 - would you believe me????
The trade off - size, look, some research ( not a trade off if you can learn a thing or two about speaker design in general) and low WAF.
What you can get is:
* satisfaction ( you build it....right?)
* open window between you and performers.
* most require just a few watts of power (quality over quantity is the general rule here)