Hello mcreyn,
I'm generally against the use of bass traps and other room treatments that attempt to improve in-room bass response. I much prefer reducing or eliminating the root cause of poor bass response in most rooms, the existence of bass standing sound waves that cause bass exaggeration, bass attenuation and even bass disappearance. at various specific room spots.
I tend to view bass room treatments as misguided, similar to using air conditioners at specific spots to reduce the heat in a room that gets too hot on cold days. Just as a lack of room air circulation is often the root cause of poor room temperature control, a lack of room bass sound waves circulation is often the root cause of poor room bass control.
As I've stated ad nauseam previously, deploying a 4 sub distributed bass array system is the only guaranteed method I've yet discovered that provides sota bass response in virtually any room.
I also understand why you may not want to devote the funds and space required in your rather modest office system. If this is the case, the best remedies I can think of for your bass peak and nulls in order of cost and room space are:
1. Start from scratch and re-perform the procedure for locating your sub in a single sub system. I know nothing about your actual office room, but I'm thinking there's likely a better performing specific spot for your sub than its current position. As you walk around your room searching for this spot. you may want to also check spots that are not solely along your walls. Moving your sub even a few feet away from the wall could improve bass response at your listening position.
2. If this is unsuccessful, my best advice is to consider using a second sub. The use of 2 subs, if properly positioned, is the first remedy that will begin to reduce or eliminate some room bass standing waves that are the root cause of your room's bass issues.
3. Addiing 2 subs will further this attack on bass standing waves and improve bass response.
4. Add 3 subs and you'll attain sota bass performance not only at your listening seat but throughout your entire room. The additional subs suggested in any of these remedies are not required to be of the same type, or even the same size or quality, as your existing sub. The critical factor is that having 4 points launching bass sound waves into any room is scientifically verified to reduce or eliminate the vast majority of bass standing waves and will likely provide the best bass response you've lever heard.
Hope this helped a bit,
I'm generally against the use of bass traps and other room treatments that attempt to improve in-room bass response. I much prefer reducing or eliminating the root cause of poor bass response in most rooms, the existence of bass standing sound waves that cause bass exaggeration, bass attenuation and even bass disappearance. at various specific room spots.
I tend to view bass room treatments as misguided, similar to using air conditioners at specific spots to reduce the heat in a room that gets too hot on cold days. Just as a lack of room air circulation is often the root cause of poor room temperature control, a lack of room bass sound waves circulation is often the root cause of poor room bass control.
As I've stated ad nauseam previously, deploying a 4 sub distributed bass array system is the only guaranteed method I've yet discovered that provides sota bass response in virtually any room.
I also understand why you may not want to devote the funds and space required in your rather modest office system. If this is the case, the best remedies I can think of for your bass peak and nulls in order of cost and room space are:
1. Start from scratch and re-perform the procedure for locating your sub in a single sub system. I know nothing about your actual office room, but I'm thinking there's likely a better performing specific spot for your sub than its current position. As you walk around your room searching for this spot. you may want to also check spots that are not solely along your walls. Moving your sub even a few feet away from the wall could improve bass response at your listening position.
2. If this is unsuccessful, my best advice is to consider using a second sub. The use of 2 subs, if properly positioned, is the first remedy that will begin to reduce or eliminate some room bass standing waves that are the root cause of your room's bass issues.
3. Addiing 2 subs will further this attack on bass standing waves and improve bass response.
4. Add 3 subs and you'll attain sota bass performance not only at your listening seat but throughout your entire room. The additional subs suggested in any of these remedies are not required to be of the same type, or even the same size or quality, as your existing sub. The critical factor is that having 4 points launching bass sound waves into any room is scientifically verified to reduce or eliminate the vast majority of bass standing waves and will likely provide the best bass response you've lever heard.
Hope this helped a bit,