Small speakers...big sound??


I'm looking for some suggestions please!! I'm running some vintage Goodmans Triaxioms which I really love...the sound is big, full, definitely not the last word in detail but I can sit and listen to them all day with zero ear fatigue :)

Now question...can I get the same sound from a bookshelf?? I do not like anything bright sounding but I want a full sound that can fill my room.

Unfortunately I might have to part with these beauties. Locally I can audition nothing so all I am going on is internet reviews. Here are some that "may" fit the bill:

Era D4 or D5
Usher 520
Von Schweickert VR1
Gersman X-1
Mordaunt Short Carnival 2
Epos ELS3

What am I missing and can anyone make suggeestions that would work for me??

Thanks kindly!!!
Thanks everyone!!

So I looked at the Swans...very nice but because I am putting them on a bookshelf, rather credenza, and only about 18" from the wall, I don't think those would work. think the Era would work??

Anything sealed or front ported that might fit the bill??

Thanks again!!
Check out the Zu Druid Credenza,they were designed for your situation.I have not heard them so I can't comment on the sound.
1-20-09: Tpreaves
Check out the Zu Druid Credenza,they were designed for your situation.I have not heard them so I can't comment on the sound.
Then you don't just need small speakers, you need speakers voiced to sit on a credenza, like these of the (way expensive) Wilson Duette. I suspect that if you put speakers designed to be stand-mounted on a credenza, you'll be disappointed. Also at least consider getting some Auralex Monitor Pads.
Give Fritz a call at He does great work and has in home demo. You can look up his reviews here as well as buy here.