Small speakers...big sound??


I'm looking for some suggestions please!! I'm running some vintage Goodmans Triaxioms which I really love...the sound is big, full, definitely not the last word in detail but I can sit and listen to them all day with zero ear fatigue :)

Now question...can I get the same sound from a bookshelf?? I do not like anything bright sounding but I want a full sound that can fill my room.

Unfortunately I might have to part with these beauties. Locally I can audition nothing so all I am going on is internet reviews. Here are some that "may" fit the bill:

Era D4 or D5
Usher 520
Von Schweickert VR1
Gersman X-1
Mordaunt Short Carnival 2
Epos ELS3

What am I missing and can anyone make suggeestions that would work for me??

Thanks kindly!!!
Check out the Zu Druid Credenza,they were designed for your situation.I have not heard them so I can't comment on the sound.
1-20-09: Tpreaves
Check out the Zu Druid Credenza,they were designed for your situation.I have not heard them so I can't comment on the sound.
Then you don't just need small speakers, you need speakers voiced to sit on a credenza, like these of the (way expensive) Wilson Duette. I suspect that if you put speakers designed to be stand-mounted on a credenza, you'll be disappointed. Also at least consider getting some Auralex Monitor Pads.
Give Fritz a call at He does great work and has in home demo. You can look up his reviews here as well as buy here.
At 18" from the wall I suspect most book shelf speakers will be OK. I've run my era D5's there with no notable bass issues and my d4's are closer than that now. So I guess I would say than yes they should be OK. Mind I have never hears any of the other speakers on your list or mentioned in the responses above. Take that back. I have heard several Dynaudio and I respect that brand.