SME 20/2 w SME V arm- Cartridge recommendations

Hello all, I just picked up a SME 20/2 with a SME V arm. This table will be replacing a Linn LP12/Cirkus/Ittok/Trampolin/Troika table. I am stepping outside of the box here as I have only ever owned LP-12's over th last 15 years I have been enjoying the hifi experience.

I was hoping that some of you could point me in the right direction in regards to cartridge selection as once again I am only used to hearing Linn cartridges. I run an Aesthetix Rhea as my phono pre so I have a some flexibility. My LP collection consists of all types of music and I don't have one type I favor most.

I know everybody's interpretations of cartridges are subjective to each individual's own hearing but if anybody has some places to start I would appreciate it.

Thanks for your time!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xharvydent
Atlas,Anna, Universe, LPS, etc....the best you can afford. Black is good, but there is better.
I have the same combo and Koetsu and Sumiko's better cartridges both work extremely well on it. Talk to Larry Marcus at Paragon Sight and Sound as he can give you a very well educated opinion.
The Benz LPS shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as Atlas, Anna, and Universe. It's a mid-fi component at best.
There is a new cartridge available from Acoustical Systems, the Archon. An amazing design, one of the best I ever listened to (independent from price) .... there is worse out there....
I have had the same SME table/arm for 10 years and have enjoyed many carts: Sumiko Celebration, Koetsu Black and Rosewood Signature, and best of all, Dynavector XV-1s.